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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 1 day at a time. For now we dress like this at the tarmacs.
  2. All of the 98+ highs today... BDL 100 BAF 99 BDR 99R BOS 98 HFD 98 MMK 98 TAN 98 BED 98
  3. Yeah...but it seems like we're all on the downward trend as of that report. There was another 37C sandwiched between 36s, but it was probably another 98F rather than 99F.
  4. Official highs are in BDL 100 BOS 98 ORH 89
  5. ineedsnow will be tracking d15 canes.
  6. 96F They went due west for a bit and shot up. As soon as WSW/SW crept back in they went back down to the low 90s.
  7. It's either 98 or 99. We don't really know with the data supplied to us.
  8. BDL actually hit 104F on that all-time record day of 103F in 2011. But the 5-min averages are the official reading. 14740KBDL BDL2011072214481948 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.618 29.616 29.628 103 62 14740KBDL BDL2011072214491949 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.617 29.615 29.627 102 60 14740KBDL BDL2011072214501950 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.617 29.615 29.627 102 61 14740KBDL BDL2011072214511951 ?1 [0000 ] 0.00 29.617 29.615 29.627 103 60 14740KBDL BDL2011072214521952 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.615 29.614 29.626 103 58 14740KBDL BDL2011072214531953 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.615 29.614 29.626 104 58 14740KBDL BDL2011072214541954 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.615 29.613 29.625 102 58 14740KBDL BDL2011072214551955 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.616 29.614 29.626 102 58 14740KBDL BDL2011072214561956 NP [0000 ] 0.00 29.615 29.613 29.625 102 58
  9. Yeah...I think we agree on that. The rapid shifts are a bigger problem than the amount of error itself. Has anyone gotten a peek at the ASOS at Logan lately? Did they put black mulch around it?
  10. If they only managed 100F it'll only be ranked 3rd for this date...2 101s in there for 7/21. lol
  11. No urban heat islands at 945ft in NE CT either.
  12. Where were you all afternoon? It's rounding limitations of the 5min obs. Was probably just 88...89...88
  13. HFD up to 98/99 now. So we have MMK, HFD, BDR all with 37C and BDL with 38C for CT today.
  14. I still think it’s home stations getting better. Many have fan aspiration now and live in the countryside with a lot more shade and evapotranspirational cooling. 15 years ago the mesos were the torch spots... now it’s the airport sites.
  15. Sneaky spike to 98/99 at BDR when they briefly lost the southerly component. Then back to 95 and SW.
  16. Not sure why anyone cheers on highs dews up here for severe. Give me frequent fronts anyday.
  17. Subtract 10F from BDL to get your temp in the summer. Noted.
  18. And oh yeah...looks like the observer has no temp or dewpoint data so they're just submitting it as 0C/0C. I can't wait for July lows of 32F at Naples to go into the climate record. lolol
  19. I noticed APF got fried the other day too after a TSRA. Now they have daytime manned obs and they're putting ASOS OTS at the end of them. I have no idea what OTS means in this instance, but I prefer to think the lightning zapped it out to sea.
  20. And at some point we may have to just say some of the readings are fine. The MADIS QC jumps could also be changes in the processing or new meso stations coming online. I mean we’ve been tossing ASOS sites left and right lately.
  21. It’s hard to compare temps miles away with scattered clouds and good mixing. It’s not like there’s a steady rise and then fall during the day. You can get 2-3F swings per minute with ASOS probes because of the aspiration and the responsiveness. That’s why they get averaged every 5 mins. Maybe it’s a hair high...idk. But I would guess the instrumentation is fine and that it would be a physical change of the land. Like CON dumping rocks around the ASOS.
  22. Good blog post explaining the 5min data vs hourly metar discrepancies. https://blog.synopticlabs.org/blog/2016/08/29/hf-metars.html Anyway...we’re about maxed out up here. Time for fall.
  23. Did Bos hit 100 yesterday? No. The only hundo is BDL today.
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