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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nice...a d10 dewpoint map for NJ from the 00z euro.
  2. More gridpoints for wizzy to point and click as the error approaches the limit of infinity.
  3. Nice battle right out of the gate. Isn't the old op still available for awhile? Did that get moved to the para?
  4. Not ironic that they abbreviate it with "j/k"
  5. +1 Maybe throw in a few honeylocusts or bald cypress too.
  6. Sounds like it's run out of James' basement.
  7. What model run does/did it become operational?
  8. We have a solid 10-14 day window of them here where 3-5 of those days are unbearable. It just must be coincidence that you haven't noticed them before because your area would be a nice breeding ground with the river and streams. Black flies love NNE.
  9. Shoots grew about a foot yesterday. This was last night. I’m interested to compare last night to today after almost an inch of rain.
  10. New climate regime...I full expect it. The mosquitoes have been on another level the past few days. Gotta give them some standing water to do more breeding in. It's been a nice fluid transition of biting bugs so far. 2 weeks of black flies, 1 week of noseeums, and now we're onto a week of skeeters. What's next?
  11. With that said...it's not too difficult to pull off mid 80s with 60s dews this time of year whenever we poke a ridge in here with 15C 850s.
  12. He's the king of asking what the pattern looks like and then 10 minutes later telling everyone what's coming. He did it this morning asking Scoot about "dews and HHH?" and then a few posts later he's telling everyone 85-90 with dews.
  13. Kinda strange to see northern NH the hottest in the state...lots of upper 80s in Coos. BML 86° and Lancaster 88°. Made it to 79.9° here which was par for the area...generally 78-82° over much of C/S NH.
  14. HIE 35F to 73F so far. 29F at Estcourt Station this morning. No thank you.
  15. CON just dropped about 10F in 30 minutes. 53F off of 80F there.
  16. MAV has 82/35 at BML tomorrow.
  17. I dropped a big pine last summer and left the cut up remains out in the back. Some of those big cut pieces ended up in the run for places for the chooks to perch on. There's a couple logs in there now where I can hear the chomping. I guess one of those beetles migrated its way to my coop.
  18. Today will be 2 straight days without measurable. I haven't had 3 straight since March. That should be going down. We've been pulling off some amazing weekends.
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