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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Weird. That gif animates on my PC, but not when uploaded.
  2. May just stay in there until those dangerous mid 80s move out.
  3. Getting a lot of what seems to be banner-like clouds streaming southeastward from the higher terrain to my northwest this morning. They kinda have that glaciated look. You can see it on vis loops back to sunrise.
  4. Pretty cool and abrupt contrast to the western sky this evening. Deep blues with a sharp edge of brownish/reddish/yellowish smoke.
  5. Gotta risk doing it now before needing to hide from the heat and dews this week.
  6. Wonder if the smoke limits the heating and instability down there.
  7. July 6-7, 1965 I doubt we see July airmasses like this ever again. CON,1965-07-06 12:00,KCON 061200Z 31018KT 15SM SCT/// 16/09 A//// RMK SLP163 T01610089 CON,1965-07-06 15:00,KCON 061500Z 33015KT 15SM CLR 19/07 A//// RMK SLP180 T01940067 CON,1965-07-06 18:00,KCON 061800Z 36013KT 15SM CLR 21/02 A//// RMK SLP188 T02060022 CON,1965-07-06 21:00,KCON 062100Z 31008KT 15SM CLR 21/02 A//// RMK SLP191 T02110022 CON,1965-07-07 00:00,KCON 070000Z 33007KT 15SM FEW/// 18/02 A//// RMK SLP212 T01830017 CON,1965-07-07 03:00,KCON 070300Z 31005KT 15SM CLR 09/04 A//// RMK SLP227 T00940039 CON,1965-07-07 06:00,KCON 070600Z 01003KT 15SM CLR 05/03 A//// RMK SLP238 T00500028 CON,1965-07-07 09:00,KCON 070900Z 07004KT 15SM FEW/// SCT/// 03/02 A//// RMK SLP244 T00330022
  8. Congrats on your flooding. lol
  9. He’s a met up there. But to go from working in Bermuda to Newfoundland/Labrador has to make you pop the antidepressants like tic-tacs.
  10. You guys make my 0.71” look like Yuma.
  11. It could be worse. We could be in St. Johns with Nick. Some of those Julys that they get are cringeworthy...makes July 2009 look like Key West.
  12. And more Stanley Cups than severe weather.
  13. Looks like they need better doctors in W and C MA.
  14. lol. Not phone friendly apparently
  15. Monthly Total Precipitation for Boston Area, MA (ThreadEx) 1953 6.28 4.14 11.00 6.04 5.06 0.48 2.76 1.81 2.50 4.91 7.66 5.09 57.73 1954 3.26 3.37 3.33 5.25 13.38 2.78 2.50 5.64 8.31 3.58 5.52 5.40 62.32 1955 0.92 4.11 5.42 4.12 0.99 3.52 4.28 17.09 2.40 6.94 5.68 1.03 56.50 1956 6.99 4.36 5.39 2.94 1.85 2.03 3.32 1.46 5.07 4.39 3.46 6.13 47.39 1957 2.47 1.34 3.38 3.78 3.63 1.62 0.64 1.71 0.35 2.67 5.75 6.58 33.92 1958 9.54 5.87 4.48 7.82 4.45 2.96 3.91 5.37 7.50 4.62 3.35 1.78 61.65 1959 2.72 3.45 5.81 4.44 1.24 8.63 8.12 2.93 0.63 4.60 4.20 4.64 51.41 Mean 4.60 3.81 5.54 4.91 4.37 3.15 3.65 5.14 3.82 4.53 5.09 4.38 52.99 Max 9.54 1958 5.87 1958 11.00 1953 7.82 1958 13.38 1954 8.63 1959 8.12 1959 17.09 1955 8.31 1954 6.94 1955 7.66 1953 6.58 1957 62.32 1954 Min 0.92 1955 1.34 1957 3.33 1954 2.94 1956 0.99 1955 0.48 1953 0.64 1957 1.46 1956 0.35 1957 2.67 1957 3.35 1958 1.03 1955 33.92 1957
  16. The late 50s had some epic wet years at BOS.
  17. 0.71" when I left and still spitting showers, but there were some BINOVC. Up to 61F from 59F. Lots of crowing this weekend with warmth, sun, and dews in the 40s.
  18. Yeah...warm and a little muggy at times next week, but sell the heatwave and the excessive swampazz. Just typical summer weather. I forget what a true drought summer feels like.
  19. I lost a lot of my data on a hard drive failure, but I've jumped around locations since getting on the forums on AOL and TWC back in the day. From what I can recall... Largest seasonal snowfall: 142.7" (2007-2008) Lowest seasonal snowfall: 33.4" (2015-2016) Highest storm total: 25" (3/5/2001) Deepest snow depth: 43" (Mar 2008) Longest period with snow OTG: Not sure, but probably 07-08. Coldest temp: -28F (1994)
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