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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Jet cirrus be tryin' to block my sun.
  2. These low clouds are vaporizing quickly. Socked in for now at CON, but I can see blues to the west on my cam at home.
  3. MPM with some subtle humble bragging in this thread.
  4. GEFS look pretty troughy in the extended...haven't seen the EPS past d10. Maybe a few days near 90F late next week and then we mild it back down or even throw in a few normal days after that? It kinda has that feel where we're going from 3 BN days/1 AN to 3 AN days/1 BN. But nothing too extreme though...just typical summer warmth. I mean, it's normal for everyone to hit 90F in the summer.
  5. Learning to love thunderstorms at the lake. Like father like son.
  6. Banging louder now. Need one last tickle of redevelopment southward.
  7. Hearing rumbles, but I should miss Gene's line. Cells are refiring to my west though.
  8. Actually now that i look again it looks like yarrow. I’ll vote yarrow and creeping buttercup.
  9. Yellow flower though...creeping buttercup maybe?
  10. 81.4° Warmest since 5/26 (82.5°)
  11. That was my take. A little bit of a gradient look still from SW to NE with that hemorrhoidal trough still lurking in some way, shape, or form to our NE. Maybe warm to borderline hot at times with average dews?
  12. In Kevin’s defense most of the state was meh. Congrats south coast on the bigger totals.
  13. The FARS works wonders there. Days like this you would run a few degrees warmer than me. 81.0° here so you’re under like you properly should be.
  14. heh...that's really mind boggling.
  15. Not sure there was an exclusive thread, but I believe the topic came up in one of them.
  16. Yeah def a better bulge of ridging that euro run. We’ll see if we can get it to last into that d5 range without some rogue s/w digging through QB to frig it up.
  17. Max 64.9°. 0.70” rain. Deep summer for the foothills.
  18. Hey we'll get our dews and heat from time to time. So don't try to paint me into a corner. I'm just not on the repeat of last summer train. I think you guys may have higher anomalies than up here though as we head into July. I'm not a seasonal/LR guy so I'm not going to get into a battle versus DS and isotherm...I'd lose. I'm more or less leaning persistence with a gradual lessening of the severity of the backdoors. This time last year models were predicting 5+ days of like 20-25C 850s and a mega ridge. These looks don't scare me.
  19. Oops...just like that up to 0.60". More efficient small droplet rains that are way heavier than radar appears.
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