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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 42.5° RA/+RA Nice weather for watching football at home. Naso much in person.
  2. Even up here the roads are usually clear and dry after a day.
  3. 4/-1 at Yellowstone. Too early for the crap they have in the Rockies and NW upper plains right now.
  4. Had 37F with steady rain at one point this morning. Up to 41F with -RA now and 0.05" through the tipper. Rawwww
  5. Winter here is long, dark, and grueling. I never understood why people want to rush it. Let it arrive in December, get a couple months of fun, and then we Napril. Of course dendy leans a little warmer than he used to.
  6. I’m losing a lot of mine now. The trees are maybe 1/2-3/4 full.
  7. Yeah I haven’t seen many of those here. The WCSB’s get insane though and get in the house.
  8. I assume you mean western conifer seed bugs. We always seem to get attacked by them and the ladybugs the first warm day in late October.
  9. lol...you can't direct link from his site.
  10. No one is supposed to post the protected euro data. I think Ryan allows the other graphics.
  11. Automated stations excluded...so there ya go.
  12. You forgot to include the preceding DJF too.
  13. GFS is conveniently caving next week a little bit every run rather than a wholesale cave. It's almost like it hopes no one notices.
  14. Hopefully it's at least 55-60F and sunny when I kill a christmas tree at the end of November.
  15. I think Joerg worked a deal with Maue to supply Ryan with the euro gribs. So Maue ran wild with weathermodels.com, but then Joerg went off on the side and turned his weather.us into an alternate free site with a paywall as well. I’m not sure what kind of business model that is, but whatev. Maybe someone else has more deets on it.
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