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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Anyone an expert on hickory nuts? Diane braved the heat and humidity to Nashville to collect me some and I have some in different sizes. I know shellbark are the largest followed by shagbark and then either mockernut or pignuts, but I’m not sure how large each nut hull is supposed to be...I just know the relative sizes. I’ll post some later, but maybe @tamarack will know? i feel like I either have ovata with some ovalis, or laciniosa with some ovata.
  2. Looks like some early color on the swamp maples.
  3. Maybe eat a burger or two so you’re not cold at 90°?
  4. We don't have much of a problem around here with areas of overgrown fields with wildflowers and weeds for the bees and beneficial insects, but it must be tough being one of those little buggers in suburbia...anally manicured lawns, pesticides, nothing overgrown, etc. I wish everyone had a little patch of their yard with an area of native wildflowers and/or weeds. It's funny, but the greens I notice my birds eating the least are the zoysia and cold climate grasses. They love clover, dandelion, plantain, and anything related to a crabgrass. I'm trying to grow bocking 4 comfrey for them from root cuttings too, but I see no sign of rooting from them yet. Anyway, RIP this morning to Sophia, our last white leghorn. She was the perfect little forager and must've laid us 500-600 eggs before she stopped in February. We suspect she was internally laying, but she had ups and downs from that point until the past week. She actually had times when she seemed to be her normal energetic self. But the last week she declined rapidly. She spent the weekend in the spare bedroom with no energy to move and hopped into the rainbow nesting box this morning...our first loss since June 2017. She will be very missed, but the flock must go on. RIP Sophia
  5. Yeah...looks like summer. Warm ups and mild downs. I mean, we hit 90s in the days of yore too. All we ask for is tolerable humidity and occasional breaks from the heat.
  6. Just had a nice + (I presume) strike to my south.
  7. Nah. I can just be home to enjoy it and take care of overheating chickens.
  8. Hot week on tap overall. Glad I have it off.
  9. 64/59 Nice breeze and partial sun. Nice day.
  10. Trying to draw him out of lurking. Nice.
  11. Pretty breezy ahead of this line. Worried about my potted trees.
  12. No idea...I just got in and saw the msg from him. Said decent nickels and a few larger.
  13. Noseeums were brief here. Mosquitoes are at their worst ever.
  14. Man quite the active light show to the north.
  15. https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/orders/IPS/IPS-6C39ABC6-7156-4FB8-9329-038841179C95.pdf
  16. Maybe it's all fictitious or moderates. Maybe it mostly stays up in Canada and we end up on the warm side of the boundary more than not. Maybe it's a changeable pattern with alternating shots of heat and cool airmasses. I know that pretty much leaves every option on the table but it was just an observation of mine on how modeling is handling the airmass to our north. Usually, if the cold is spilling into Minny first we end up with heat and humidity for a couple of days with a DIT mild down after that. So we'll see....just kinda throwing that out there for observation and verification purposes after the first week of July.
  17. Nice shot of heat late next week, but all models and ens consistently look cooler and drier in that d8-10 range and beyond. Looks like a larger scale cool air mass lurking in Canada too...not some fleeting ULL garbage.
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