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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Wow...good news on the euro data. Did he personally work a deal with them or is that distributor wide?
  2. Yeah where's metfan with his 6hrly lalaland GFS snow and cold post?
  3. He’s just been pretty busy and got away from posting.
  4. CON 40kt LCI 45kt Tree down at the top of my hill laying across wires. Luckily we haven’t lost power yet. Eek lost power.
  5. Roaring in CON over the last 10 mins. Lost power. 45mph at the ASOS, but I think it’s higher since then.
  6. Parents will be mad now that ToT will be in cold temps tomorrow night.
  7. Currently 67F at CAR and 37F in Pensacola. That's always fun.
  8. 52.3F max at the 6z ob. I wonder if they tickled 53F before the fropa in between hourly obs. We'll see at 12z.
  9. Pretty meh here. Did wake up to the +RA and fropa around 330am, but I had the window open too. Down to 45F now after a high of 68.3F around 130am. Hit 28mph on the Davis, but that was before midnight with a stray warm gust. Looks like CON peaked around 38kt. Had 0.64" of rain.
  10. An hour away from midnight November 1st...don't tell me this isn't a torch. HIE 72 LEB 71 MHT 71 PSM 70 BML 69 AFN 69
  11. We’ve been talking about a lull in the precip for days on here. They don’t listen.
  12. Heat off and windows wide open. We summer for 1 more time in 2019. Well at least until Christmas Eve.
  13. We did ToT the first year here and we had 2 kids. It's been ToT cancel since then. Everyone goes down into town where the homes are closer together.
  14. The all-time record high for MWN for November is 52F. It's 52F there right now. So there's a chance they sneak in a monthly record high right after midnight.
  15. lol...before I forget here’s that link with the error and biases. https://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/gmb/STATS_vsdb/
  16. Finishing every chase with just a shelf cloud pic is kinda like going home with a girl and only getting a grinding with all clothes on.
  17. Different folks different strokes. It's a def torch to me. We'll rack up a big anomaly for today. Most records are around 80F this time of year and we've got sites into the low 70s now with more climbing to go. Of course I consider a swampazz 85/77 to be a torch in July too, but 88/52 isn't too bad.
  18. When do we get -30F dews? And what are we talking? 50 degree dewpoint depressions with that? Otherwise 0/-30F is pretty damn cold. I mean the record high mins are a result of the dews. The dews have an effect on us at this level well into the 60s. No one feels a difference between 15/5 and 20/-20.
  19. Kinda like a low topped line of convection 8 days out?
  20. It's a torch to me. We just had a night in the 50s and will pull off 60s overnight tonight until the front comes through toward sunrise. BED is 72/66...that's like a rainy July day.
  21. He's right...these are record PWATs. It's a deep layer torch though...not just a sneaky near surface tropical feed. The CON record high min for today is 52F...current low for the day is 55F. So that will easily be a new record. Lots of ~63F dews in S NH right now. Here's your occurrences of 63F+ dews at CON for November. The last time they had any was 2008.
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