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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. That's not anomaly correlation...that's RMSE (root mean squared error). The lower the value the better.
  2. Probably have to tack a few degrees on with the cold bias, but it’ll be cold nonetheless.
  3. 27.5° with very thick fog. About 1/4sm right now.
  4. No...same diff as daylight savings all year. lol
  5. I love it. I wish we made the flip sooner like mid October. I loathe the morning darkness.
  6. Looks like the system in question was 11/29/95. http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/NARR/1995/us1129.php There were a couple of lighter events earlier in the month.
  7. Off the top of my head I recall an event later in the month that seemed to get the ball rolling into winter. It was before sunrise and resulted in school delays/cancellations. I wanna say there was a widespread 2-5".
  8. 28.0F this morning. Kept a light breeze on the hill. 25F at CON.
  9. Hope he enjoys a fine craft adult beverage on his big day.
  10. Anyone check Maue's map? I assume he was the creator of that product at wxbell.
  11. Freshets of yore here. October of 1785 sounds like fun. https://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/1779m/report.pdf
  12. Just noticed a 71mph gust from the top of Gunstock this morning.
  13. Previously ECMWF did not allow any of their data to be shared publicly except for the basic images they provide on their site. Ryan Maue had the warning disclaimer up on his site about it. That went for any Euro data vendor. He had stated he tried many times he had tried to get clearance from them for free distribution of the maps he provides...even offering more money for the clearance. I assume he either worked out a deal with them or they gave the OK for everyone. Of course people have continued to post the Euro data here for years, but technically we were not supposed to allow it. But it at least let’s me breathe a little easier knowing we won’t be possibly held accountable for that anymore...at least if it’s maps from weathermodels.com. If it’s cleared for all vendors then everyone can feel free to go wild with the posting of maps this year.
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