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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. They’ve pulled 1% and 2% in the SW US before.
  2. Let me reacquaint you with where you live.
  3. My dad got a heater for their inground pool. Raises it about 3F/hr...runs on propane. Had it up to a toasty 85F last Friday. It felt nice.
  4. I've read that those warm waters in the Atlantic won't let lows go south of CT. Could be a problem come winter.
  5. COC then rain up here. Definitely another airmass with coolest departures in NNE.
  6. Innuendo aside...they had a little camping weekend with the kids this past weekend in the backyard. Bad idea. Little Boy decided to start crowing at 430am and pretty much didn't stop until I went to let him out at 6am. Next year try a campground.
  7. She uses about 15 blankets every night regardless of the temp. It could probably be 32F in there and she wouldn't know the difference.
  8. Was 66F in the bedroom this morning with the fan on all night. 59F for a low. HIE snuck in a 43F.
  9. I got 0.03" today and the lawn laughed at it.
  10. btw...lol at the AWOS siting at ASH. Tarmac to the left of me, tarmac to the right Here I am, stuck in the middle with dews
  11. Probably because the ASH dew has been running torchy by a few degF. Nice relief coming into NNE now.
  12. They should just use X.5 in the F6 and CLI forms. I could understand sticking with sig figs and not wanting to create decimals or fractions when averaging 2 integers, but they contradict that line of thinking at the end of the month when determining the monthly average temperature. They sum the max and min integer temps, take an average, and then divide by the # of days and end up with precision down to the tenths place. If you're going to lie there, at least lie to me in the dailies for the F6 and CLI too. Then yesterday we could've had a mean of 68.5F with a normal of 69.5F and a -1F on the day to talk about on the news.
  13. Interesting little cell in SW ME.
  14. Took until mid month, but congrats.
  15. Watching it go north of me here. There's still a chance it backbuilds a little more south and I get some rain out of it.
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