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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. There’s Kevin’s HHH at the end of the euro.
  2. I think you can see from Steve’s image you have little to fear over the next 15 days. The control and op are outliers.
  3. You need a FARS and some better mixing. Mr. Wood....tear down these oaks.
  4. The center of the ridging is a little west for big heat up here. With the seasonal progression, we're losing the effect of those lower heights to our northeast so at least some of the warm plumes aloft are getting our way instead of getting sheared and cut off to our south. EPS does try to erase the AK ridging and throw in a low around d10 so maybe we'll see the whole height field raise in the mid lats of eastern NAMER in response.
  5. Again...it looks warm overall. Not denying that. But the big heat and humidity should stay SW of us. We'll probably get grazed here and there. Does anyone think July will actually be BN or even N?
  6. I mean it looks like typical summer heat and mugginess at times. It hasn‘t really changed. Looks more like 88-92 over 65-70 dews instead of the 95+/75+ crap we had last summer. Then at times we’ll dew it down and the rad sites will get nightly refreshers. Stay the course.
  7. That little shit follows me around like a dog until 9pm begging for more and more mealworms.
  8. Didn't they move MVL within the last few years? Or was that MPV? I remember you posting about it.
  9. Here's my Davis. My data has been fairly consistent straight across the line. The last couple of years my lows have gotten a hair cooler (a more positive error). I attribute that to the new Davis SHT31 sensor that has better accuracy at lower temperatures. I do get seasonal shifts as I get a lot of evapotranspirational cooling during the day on the north side of my hill. My surface struggles to completely dry out. Come winter, that difference washes out with a frozen ground and snow cover.
  10. Then you get a station like BVY that is on the water like BOS. Other than some bad data that got repaired here and there, their temps have been fairly consistent over the last 6 years. If the BOS jump was somewhat real, you'd expect to see similar errors at BVY. I remember when we saw the CON numbers creeping up and Chris found they had installed rocks around the ASOS for better maintenance. Now their numbers are back in line. Goes to show you how much the surface around the sensor suite has an effect on the readings. I honestly trust Davis FARS readings more than some of the ASOS sites now. They may have 0.01C accuracy, but it doesn't mean much when they're measuring over rocks, sand, or concrete and averaging the data over 5 minutes. The days of yore probably have 12" tall grass around a stevenson screen with mercury max/min thermometers.
  11. BED has trended slowly warmer too. OWD has been losing their extreme cold mins relative to surrounding areas. Can anyone who follows them confirm that it seems they radiate less than in recent years?
  12. Just edit the URL to the amount of days you want. I usually look for the sharp jumps for identifying potential issues. The gradual changes over time could mean a lot of things and not necessarily a change in the station's quality or geography. It could be different stations coming online getting factored into the analysis for QCing. Home stations used to run warmer than the airports. Now with the widespread FARS mesos seem to run cooler than the tarmacs now.
  13. btw...those 99s are missing data. When ASH used to be a manned station with only daytime obs their nighttime/min temp numbers were always "99".
  14. Yeah...my senior thesis was all about the PANC MOS TS probs.
  15. The previous owners here let everything get out of control and I've only recently made an effort to cut it back and get everything in check. I had a couple of yews that were like 30ft tall in front of the house. No thanks. Anyone know the best time to cut a rhody way back? I'm guessing in March before it starts putting out new growth?
  16. re: BDL Starting to drift a little warm there again like 4-5 yrs ago
  17. I need dryness and blue skies Friday morning please. No P0330 METAR crap. Thanks.
  18. Mine are out of control. I'm thinking of cutting it way back to almost nothing. Rhodies and forsythia too.
  19. Swampazz, skeeters, black flies, midges, ticks, and deer flies pretty much ruin my outdoor chores. 75F with a breeze does not. All we ask for are summers of yore. Tolerable humidity with alternating shots of heat and cool air to keep the swampazz critters in check.
  20. There's probably more people that want dews than those that want winter right now. Just because we like 78/48 it doesn't mean we want winter.
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