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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. They want zero maintenance with it. I guess they were tired of mowing around it.
  2. I should clarify on this... I went back and looked at the posts from Chris on this in 2016. They actually had dark mulch around the ASOS when the team went out. They had since replaced it with white rocks. So nevermind grass...white rocks were the determined solution. lol
  3. We've gone from manned obs to automated obs, max/min thermometers to digital probes, passive stevenson screens to fan aspirated shields, and lush wide fields to mulched Mars terrain surrounded by tarmac. Once the ASOS period of record gets established enough, I think we're going to have to treat the pre-ASOS days almost the same way we treat the dead ball era in baseball. Cute stats, but pretty much tossed otherwise.
  4. Stay hydrated everyone and check on the elderly and your pets
  5. You need to get out to the midwest one spring. Our good days are their bad days. But yeah, it’s all good. Heck, I was weenieing out over rain the other night. Those were def some nice shelf pics.
  6. It was more in response to Wiz losing his shit over a shelf cloud, but yeah...we have our moments. Yesterday wasn’t too bad. That was some big hail and nice wind damage posted here.
  7. 95 is probably around the time the ASOS took over too. A lot of sites saw changes around then. MHT is another.
  8. Huh? I think I'm the only one who threw out August numbers with you. And I just posted...a brief warmup followed by another cool down.
  9. Preseason...getting his work in. Will probably play the entire first half next week and the first drive of the 3rd quarter.
  10. EPS already has the next cold front on its heels by d10.
  11. 70s were relatively cold for BTV compared to MPV, but check out that stepwise jump in the 2010s.
  12. We tried to tell them, but they didn't listen.
  13. The problem is BTV has developed a site change or the UHI has expanded to the ASOS. The pre-UHI days are still factored into the 30 year normals. So while everyone else is pulling a -2F month BTV is still at +1F or something. The 1991-2020 norms should drop those days of yore in the 80s.
  14. Is that a cell that formed over Mt Tolland?
  15. It'll be funny when they start pulling BN months again come the 2020s. We'll start getting stories about global cooling.
  16. Dissipating now...probably just a wind shift across that outflow boundary.
  17. Getting a bit of a couplet on that Maine cell.
  18. I’m just bustin’ ya. That’s impressive hail.
  19. CON came into the day at -0.1F. MHT +1.6F.
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