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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Awesome pics everyone. One last look at the temp and solar drops here and the recoveries.
  2. Not sure. I have a couple decades to figure it out. I’ll have to check out % poss sunshine climo for August. C FL would be nice, but I wouldn’t want to chance seabreeze convection.
  3. 2045. I want no part of the 2044 one.
  4. I’ll do the 2045 one if I’m still alive
  5. Yeah that’s great. I’m talking about the snow maps being high.
  6. Starting to show up on the conus vis shots now https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=continental-conus-01-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  7. You can start to see it on satellite in the deep Pacific Edit: This is working better https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=global-equatorial-01-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  8. Yeah get north. If I was investing a lot of time and/or money to see it Lancaster is not where I’d choose to be.
  9. That leading edge of cirrus will be pretty thin up here. The clouds approaching SYR right now will be a bigger problem.
  10. Yeah, but I think those are made with remote sensing using water content to estimate the pack. So if it’s expecting 8:1 in an area on d1 and in d2 it’s a sobbing 3:1 it may think there’s more snow than there actually is.
  11. 29° here. Could be the last freeze for a little while.
  12. Lots of traffic going north on 93 on my ride in…probably the most I’ve ever seen it on a non holiday that early on a Monday.
  13. I like how GYX factored the reduced insolation into their temp forecast for 3pm tomorrow.
  14. I think the snow is so waterlogged right now that it’s overestimating the depth until there’s some pack density adjustments.
  15. Looks like CON is -0.9F over the last 17 days. But yeah, that will probably get wiped out the next few days.
  16. Hopefully I can hit my first 70F before June.
  17. Here’s the 00z ec, valid 19z, mid and high clouds. Totality passes through the region a few minutes each side of 1930z.
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