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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Min temps have been steadily climbing since the 60s/70s. I think the torch mins indirectly prove it.
  2. Those do look like petunias though. And the leaves don't look like morning glories.
  3. Petunias are tropical. They're not going to survive a winter. If you have one hanging nearby you could lose a branch or two and it could root into the ground.
  4. Other than 4th of July week, a lot of the first 2/3 of July wasn't that bad for heat and dews last year.
  5. And who cares if he used 38N. We'd see the same overall trend in dews up here too...if not worse.
  6. Eh...we didn't have that many hours of dews above 65F at this point last year. It'd be interesting to compare the number of hours come Monday for each year through 7/22.
  7. Yeah...I was in that. I'm looking for a specific one that I recall Ryan posting before.
  8. Can anyone recall where to find those ISU histograms of annual hours of dews above a certain threshold? They have a lot on their site, but it's tough to find what you're looking for.
  9. idk...I'd honestly be kinda shocked if we don't see quite a few upper 70s dews at the METAR sites.
  10. That just means our highs of 98F in August will be bigger departures.
  11. Congrats PBG. Maybe we can get the picnic tables a new record high.
  12. Lots of 99s, but couldn't find a 100F on 00z MEX for our region. Seeing dews creeping up on MOS too (mid/upper 70s) so it may end up more like 7/3 last year with a lot of 97/77 crap in the torch spots. Seems like we live in new dewy times.
  13. Could be some cap issues Sat, but maybe NNE can get something going on that theta-e gradient.
  14. That BOS-PVD-BDL corridor may be just as hot, if not hotter, on Sunday than Saturday.
  15. What do I do with this crabapple? Looks like sapsucker lunch. Is there a worthwhile way to treat it or if it dies, it dies?
  16. covfefe? Nice though. 40kt on a tree surrounded Davis anny and 10"/hr are legit.
  17. I don't think of training cells when I think of a QLCS.
  18. Yeah it'll have to be with the actual front overnight.
  19. Best instability is NW of you. There's nothing near BID right now other than a sprinkle.
  20. Those cells just N of the Pike are all training. Is that what you were referring to?
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