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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Kp 4 after being 6 earlier. Not gonna waste my time looking every 5 mins.
  2. Can you make out pin oak vs black oak via these pics?
  3. If people want PC look elsewhere. This is all I found pic wise for slippery vs american. The american definitely look more rounded versus the pointed slippery. I don't have a very good knack of differentiating trees via buds yet. I guess there's some differences in the seeds so I'll see what I find next spring. I found all of these trees along an almost permanent stream which osrt of confirms slippery elm based on the descriptions in this link as well. http://uptreeid.com/Species/elms.htm
  4. GFS and Euro with about 2 days of 0C 850s up here post Dorian.
  5. What do you have for topsoil back there? That looks as bad as I’ve ever seen in pics from you.
  6. Has Bosart written all over it if it's centered on Albany.
  7. And oh yeah, a nice striped maple with some big ol’ leaves too. Are they self fertile or are a m and f tree needed?
  8. Took a walk out to the stream in the back woods looking for more chestnuts with seeds, but no luck. However, I did find a lot of elm trees up and down the stream. They were in fairly poor condition with tall, lanky boughs and somewhat soggy bark, but some of them had a decent canopy. I assume our seeds tend to fall in May? I may collect some then. Looks more like a slippery elm versus american elm, correct?
  9. It has left some literally speechless.
  10. Thanks. I did more reading last night. I haven’t noticed a lot of downy mildew here but we certainly get the powdery mildew annually. By August the cuke leaves turn yellow...even with a trellis. Are there any hop varieties that you craft brew guys tend to prefer? Maybe one for aroma and one for bitterness?
  11. You think Sunday’s that bad? Monday should be beautiful. Maybe we can pull off some afternoon 50s with the rain.
  12. It has snowed on Mount Washington in July and they’re closer to the sun than us.
  13. I did notice the GFS was painting some blue on the back side of that nrn stream system...then it went bonkers after phasing with Dori. Roadtrip to Labrador for Nick. Wreckhouse wind warning?
  14. The yore of all yores toward d9-10 after models pass Dori to our east. Obvi lots of caveats with that.
  15. 51.8° This is our torch day right?
  16. Any of you weenies grow your own hops? Any recommendations for cold hardy and disease resistant varieties for up here? I plan on planting them on the west side of my chicken run (south side is grapes) as there will be plenty of nitrogen, organic material, and beneficial fungi leeching into the root systems from there. I see a lot of people growing cascade and centennial. Would a small potted plant or a healthy rhizome transplant easier?
  17. idk...it's MPM though. It's important to know which side of the street averages more QPF.
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