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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I usually get a 5F drop here after 5z. So with 2hrs to go and 43F it'll probably be 35-36F here.
  2. I can't wait to see a few stray mosquitoes in the woods after we warm sector to 58/58 with our Xmas eve cutter.
  3. They’re going to fog out early at this rate. BML 36...they may have a freeze by midnight.
  4. Wind is dead here. 2mph peak over the last hour. Down to 53.6F
  5. Eh...something will sneak in after the next 7-10 days...at least up here. There's some chamber wx in the extended, but of course COC (depending on one's definition) is starting to become AN. You've had some chilly highs lately. I had 60.3F and you think I'm an icebox.
  6. Dews well into the 30s already with a breezy NE wind.
  7. Everyone is competing with Hobby Lobby now for earliest Xmas decor since they moved into the old Shaw's building in Tilton. lol
  8. I think that stuff was out for 2 weeks and now it's pushed to the side.
  9. Still gotta worry about temps being too cold. I still love me some snow. It's just a PITA for me cleanup wise at least for the lengths I go to. So winter for me is a win-win or a lose-lose...depending on if your glass is half full or empty.
  10. Unless it’s a super nino I really don’t worry.
  11. Looks like a couple of torchy days here and then back to seasonably warm. So it's AN for a while, but nbd really. Great timing for a warmup.
  12. 43.4F min...BKN skies. MAV is down to 33F at CON. It seems to drop a degree every 6hrs. SFM with a sneaky 30F.
  13. Spring backdoors are a special kind of suck. Those are more cold ocean enhanced versus a dry air mass getting evapo cooled over a relatively warm ocean. But either way...N-NE is our most efficient CAA.
  14. I think it's mostly CC, warmer autumns, and wetter times. The 60s-80s were pretty dry and cold. CON had a lot of October 1st 32Fs back in the yore days so maybe we're just getting back to those levels after the cool baby boomer period. Even for last freezes...there were lots of Junes in that cool period, but only one before 1964. DateLastFirst 1869May-07 (1869)Oct-19 (1869) 1870May-23 (1870)Sep-13 (1870) 1871May-16 (1871)Sep-19 (1871) 1872Apr-24 (1872)Oct-12 (1872) 1873May-16 (1873)Oct-01 (1873) 1874May-12 (1874)Oct-04 (1874) 1875Apr-29 (1875)Sep-23 (1875) 1876May-16 (1876)Oct-03 (1876) 1877May-05 (1877)Oct-06 (1877) 1878May-15 (1878)Sep-29 (1878) 1879May-04 (1879)Sep-26 (1879) 1880May-15 (1880)Oct-08 (1880) 1881May-05 (1881)Oct-05 (1881) 1882May-16 (1882)Oct-22 (1882) 1883May-14 (1883)Oct-02 (1883) 1884May-31 (1884)Oct-10 (1884) 1885May-04 (1885)Oct-08 (1885) 1886May-01 (1886)Oct-02 (1886) 1887Apr-22 (1887)Sep-24 (1887) 1888May-03 (1888)Sep-29 (1888) 1889Apr-23 (1889)Oct-11 (1889) 1890Apr-29 (1890)Sep-25 (1890) 1891May-06 (1891)Oct-12 (1891) 1892May-01 (1892)Oct-03 (1892) 1893May-08 (1893)Oct-17 (1893) 1894Apr-30 (1894)Sep-26 (1894) 1895May-17 (1895)Sep-15 (1895) 1896May-01 (1896)Oct-10 (1896) 1897Apr-29 (1897)Sep-19 (1897) 1898May-10 (1898)Sep-13 (1898) 1899May-16 (1899)Sep-14 (1899) 1900May-29 (1900)Sep-19 (1900) 1901May-06 (1901)Sep-26 (1901) 1902May-21 (1902)Sep-06 (1902) 1903May-24 (1903)Sep-30 (1903) 1904Apr-23 (1904)Sep-22 (1904) 1905May-05 (1905)Oct-07 (1905) 1906May-21 (1906)Sep-25 (1906) 1907May-23 (1907)Oct-02 (1907) 1908Apr-23 (1908)Oct-05 (1908) 1909May-01 (1909)Oct-18 (1909) 1910May-12 (1910)Oct-08 (1910) 1911May-06 (1911)Sep-14 (1911) 1912May-05 (1912)Oct-03 (1912) 1913May-12 (1913)Sep-15 (1913) 1914May-16 (1914)Sep-28 (1914) 1915Jun-03 (1915)Oct-10 (1915) 1916Apr-25 (1916)Oct-02 (1916) 1917May-04 (1917)Sep-11 (1917) 1918Apr-27 (1918)Sep-23 (1918) 1919May-01 (1919)Oct-08 (1919) 1920May-06 (1920)Oct-07 (1920) 1921May-12 (1921)Oct-25 (1921) 1922May-01 (1922)Sep-26 (1922) 1923Apr-20 (1923)Sep-15 (1923) 1924Apr-29 (1924)Sep-25 (1924) 1925Apr-22 (1925)Sep-23 (1925) 1926May-05 (1926)Oct-12 (1926) 1927May-03 (1927)Oct-10 (1927) 1928May-10 (1928)Sep-29 (1928) 1929May-14 (1929)Sep-20 (1929) 1930Apr-29 (1930)Oct-01 (1930) 1931May-18 (1931)Oct-10 (1931) 1932May-24 (1932)Oct-13 (1932) 1933May-06 (1933)Oct-14 (1933) 1934May-09 (1934)Oct-02 (1934) 1935May-24 (1935)Oct-03 (1935) 1936May-22 (1936)Sep-26 (1936) 1937Apr-30 (1937)Oct-03 (1937) 1938May-13 (1938)Oct-05 (1938) 1939May-17 (1939)Oct-15 (1939) 1940May-10 (1940)Sep-27 (1940) 1941May-15 (1941)Sep-19 (1941) 1942May-12 (1942)Sep-29 (1942) 1943May-15 (1943)Sep-13 (1943) 1944May-21 (1944)Sep-23 (1944) 1945May-12 (1945)Sep-30 (1945) 1946May-11 (1946)Sep-13 (1946) 1947May-16 (1947)Sep-20 (1947) 1948May-16 (1948)Sep-16 (1948) 1949May-30 (1949)Sep-26 (1949) 1950May-09 (1950)Sep-18 (1950) 1951May-19 (1951)Sep-27 (1951) 1952May-17 (1952)Oct-08 (1952) 1953May-04 (1953)Sep-23 (1953) 1954Apr-29 (1954)Oct-07 (1954) 1955May-20 (1955)Sep-23 (1955) 1956May-26 (1956)Sep-18 (1956) 1957May-19 (1957)Sep-25 (1957) 1958May-15 (1958)Sep-30 (1958) 1959May-18 (1959)Sep-17 (1959) 1960May-03 (1960)Oct-02 (1960) 1961May-31 (1961)Oct-16 (1961) 1962May-13 (1962)Sep-21 (1962) 1963May-24 (1963)Sep-14 (1963) 1964Jun-06 (1964)Sep-15 (1964) 1965May-24 (1965)Aug-30 (1965) 1966May-16 (1966)Sep-26 (1966) 1967Jun-01 (1967)Sep-11 (1967) 1968May-29 (1968)Sep-30 (1968) 1969May-27 (1969)Sep-29 (1969) 1970May-30 (1970)Oct-05 (1970) 1971Jun-06 (1971)Sep-25 (1971) 1972Jun-12 (1972)Sep-29 (1972) 1973May-01 (1973)Sep-21 (1973) 1974May-21 (1974)Sep-24 (1974) 1975Jun-10 (1975)Sep-14 (1975) 1976May-21 (1976)Aug-31 (1976) 1977May-16 (1977)Sep-12 (1977) 1978May-22 (1978)Sep-08 (1978) 1979Jun-26 (1979)Sep-20 (1979) 1980May-29 (1980)Sep-09 (1980) 1981May-20 (1981)Oct-10 (1981) 1982May-05 (1982)Oct-10 (1982) 1983May-19 (1983)Sep-15 (1983) 1984May-19 (1984)Oct-05 (1984) 1985May-15 (1985)Sep-12 (1985) 1986May-14 (1986)Aug-29 (1986) 1987May-14 (1987)Sep-25 (1987) 1988May-09 (1988)Sep-16 (1988) 1989May-09 (1989)Sep-25 (1989) 1990May-31 (1990)Sep-19 (1990) 1991Apr-26 (1991)Sep-22 (1991) 1992May-26 (1992)Sep-24 (1992) 1993Apr-30 (1993)Sep-20 (1993) 1994May-28 (1994)Oct-02 (1994) 1995May-09 (1995)Sep-11 (1995) 1996May-26 (1996)Oct-04 (1996) 1997May-11 (1997)Sep-22 (1997) 1998May-14 (1998)Sep-24 (1998) 1999May-14 (1999)Oct-06 (1999) 2000May-20 (2000)Sep-28 (2000) 2001May-14 (2001)Sep-30 (2001) 2002May-23 (2002)Oct-08 (2002) 2003May-18 (2003)Oct-02 (2003) 2004May-05 (2004)Oct-05 (2004) 2005May-13 (2005)Oct-20 (2005) 2006May-08 (2006)Sep-30 (2006) 2007May-14 (2007)Oct-14 (2007) 2008May-02 (2008)Oct-04 (2008) 2009May-26 (2009)Sep-20 (2009) 2010May-13 (2010)Oct-03 (2010) 2011May-06 (2011)Sep-17 (2011) 2012May-12 (2012)Sep-25 (2012) 2013May-27 (2013)Sep-17 (2013) 2014May-08 (2014)Sep-19 (2014) 2015May-14 (2015)Oct-05 (2015) 2016May-10 (2016)Sep-26 (2016) 2017May-09 (2017)Oct-13 (2017) 2018Apr-24 (2018)Oct-13 (2018) 2019May-09 (2019)- MinimumApr-20 (1923)Aug-29 (1986) MeanMay-13Sep-27 MaximumJun-26 (1979)Oct-25 (1921)
  15. Always have to be wary of those dust devils in SW ME.
  16. CON has actually had freezes 3x in August...1965, 1976, and 1986...not exactly yore. That 1965 one was 29°.
  17. Heck CON’s avg first freeze is 9/24. It was earlier during the 61-90 normals.
  18. That one is planning to take out James' power for the 10/21 Pats/Jets game.
  19. ineedsnow needs to stop tracking faux cane threats and worry about the snowiest October of our lives.
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