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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. How do you still have slush in the middle of your street?
  2. Looks like in recent decades Franklin Falls isn't staffed for obs on weekends and holidays. So there's your missing days. I'm sure it'd be easy to piece together for most years. I'd best most of those missing days have 1"+.
  3. I mean, looking at that chart, I actually expect to go wire to wire.
  4. Lots of missing depth data in the 2000s. I'll have to look at the raw forms to see what is missing where.
  5. NYC weenie posting Philly tweet in New England forum.
  6. Looks upper jet related...right exit region. Some kind of velocity shear going on? Probably not the best flight through there, but Scoot would know better.
  7. Yup. Mixing vs the cold building back in during light flow
  8. Mid/upper 40s most of the night. It feels amazing out. The dews are invigorating. Get out and enjoy it folks. Hopefully everyone gets to see some green later today. Still pack at home, but it's getting eaten away from around the trees. Have some breaks to the E too. Would be nice to pop some morning sun with the warm airmass in place. 0.76" of rain.
  9. The problem is you’re advecting in drier and drier air into that layer so even with wetbulbing there’s a battle with the supply of low RH. Eventually it wins out and you’ll probably end as virga. Your gridpoint is close there. Those lighter blues I’d probably toss. Still you have like -6C over -28C in that H8 zone. That’s not ideal. The mesos have been more moist though. I”d call that sounding snow, but with eaten up flakes.
  10. GFS is still trying to snow through the H7-H8 dry layer. I'd toss the lighter snows it tries to bring into WNE. There's decent lift at H6 that's crosshaired through the DGZ further east though.
  11. Ugh. Back down into the wedge after hitting 45F. Down to 36F, but it keeps bouncing around depending on the mixing.
  12. Most of the mesos seem to have a brief lull between the cold frontal rains and the snow coming in with the followup wave. That would give some time to get salt down without washing it away.
  13. 34.6F and -RA at home. CON is back down to 38F from 41F.
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