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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like there's some MADIS analysis errors over the past couple months so don't read too much into those crazy outlier values on the far right side. The point is the general trend since early 2018.
  2. Nice NCEP vs Everyone else battle. lol
  3. 56/55 at the STEM. Wow. Congrats to the runners getting to run in that tomorrow morning.
  4. 40.7F with patchy dense fog. The wind has gone nearly calm so the cold is trying to build back up from the sfc upward.
  5. Looks like my 07-08 ones here. Or my chicken path ones from a few years ago. Looks a little like the LSC ice penis too.
  6. You've been quiet on here lately. You deserve some snow. I'm enjoying the thaws. It makes the winter feel less prolonged so that I can enjoy the heart of winter more. If we already had a 15" pack with 20/0 type days I'd be gouging my eyes out by Feb. Anyway, the GFS is a congrats PF too. That's a nice stripe of midlevel goodies cutting through VT and NH. Get that a little further south and we're talking 5-8" here.
  7. NAM is dry in Mass 12z Tue. Flakes up there by late afternoon. lol
  8. Glad we didn't get that. 1.84" in the Stratus is enough.
  9. Where are you getting all of the QPF?
  10. Yup...complete shitshow. Idk what NHDOT was doing. They have RWIS sites with road surface temp sensors and icing detectors. They should've been out there pretreating all afternoon. Dumb.
  11. Want. 45.2F here and I'm even happy with that. 40s right through tomorrow should help thaw the lawn out to leak my standing water soak in. Torch on.
  12. Pushing 500dm thickness up here Thursday.
  13. H8 is the warmest layer, but we're pretty safe on this run. 0.75" QPF too.
  14. GFS is a warning event up here.
  15. lol...let’s not get political. JB is a foxnews guy anyway.
  16. Be wary of the euro clown maps for SWFEs at a lot of sites too because of the lack of available levels in the algorithms. If the clown isn’t seeing a warm layer above H85 it may be calling it snow. Just sayin’.
  17. Ugh. We flood. About a foot of water in front of the run. Frozen ground ftl. Basement filling up quickly too. Up to 42° so hopefully we can thaw it out and drain it into the ground.
  18. 31.5F...probably starting to lose the glazing given no advection of lower dews. It's pretty slick out there though. Still 31F at CON.
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