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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. You can start to see the back edge pushing east on OKX, but it may tighten up the northern fringe fronto initially.
  2. Pretty much. You can usually pick out where the fronto will be with some midlevel analysis, but QPF wise it’s usually underdone. And then you also have the bonus that it’s usually high ratio so long as your 2m temps are cold enough. I even had big ratios in Halloweenie. So there’s multiple ways to bust in a positive way.
  3. Models often struggle with nailing the northern fronto bands QPF/snow wise. It’s why I always pull big amounts out of my rear when it isn’t necessarily modeled well. These are mesoscale features immersed within the synoptic system. So I’m not surprised there’s a zone down there cashing in on the fronto before the ccb starts cranking toward the Cape.
  4. Nice to see some getting snow. The fronto look was always there…even with the squashed/less phased trend.
  5. With no dynamics that BL is pretty warm. A lot of mid 30s now on the 2m maps. A kuchie for moonshine
  6. We need some ground truth to match the QPF too. But a lot of those echoes look like they’re hitting a brick wall in N KY like the recent modeling has had. Only a couple 0.04”s in OH so far.
  7. There’s been a lot of geese flying north here the past few days. That was my first inclination of trouble.
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