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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. If I lived down there I’d have a huge grove of moso.
  2. Slightly below normal is the new much below. Mabye EWR can go another December without going below freezing?
  3. Euro is still a nice cool down. GEFS aren’t buying the op either.
  4. The GFS is now sniffing out trends at d7. Noted.
  5. EPS was pretty chilly. It's a week out so yeah...can't really be surprised by anything. Sniff this
  6. 67° cloudy and wedged at home. Upper 70s and sunny in CON. The Canterbury rest area boundary strikes again.
  7. 62.5° 0.07” overnight. Not much, but we’ll take it.
  8. Looks legit. IJD 66F. What a torch spot he's in. May have to start using GON for him year round.
  9. -2F for the day at CON. Awesome seasonable day.
  10. 12z euro knocks a couple off the 850s for the torch and then is a lot more impressive with the mid week cool down.
  11. anthropogenic global cooling right there. artificial snow keeping temps down in the spring for longer than it otherwise would.
  12. It's interior Greenland. It helps when your sfc is above H75.
  13. I'm glad you're finally agreeing to toss the overly warm BDL.
  14. Are we still on pace for 15 days of 70s dews?
  15. I had a bunch of plants with yellowing leaves so I said F it and spread some fresh chicken poop around them. We green now. I'll just be saving the kale for the birds.
  16. Congrats NNE. Rain to snow on the CFS. Flakes for Tolland a week into September? Looks legit.
  17. Nice torch incoming. Euro drops a potent cold front through the middle of next week. A few days of 20C 850s before that though.
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