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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I’m excited for 40s and sun. Maybe I can leaf blow later.
  2. Only 1" on Tuesday, but it's pretty impressive that I'll wake up with almost the same amount come Friday morning. The only loss is ironically due to sublimation.
  3. Snow tables can be a big problem if you get wind and drifting snow. jspin is in a perfect spot to have one with his relatively sheltered location and big totals.
  4. Early Novie of yore 11/12 32.1 13.6 1" 11/13 21.1 8.5 11/14 27.6 10.4 Already 4 daily max temps of 32F or less (31.8F 11/8). Switch flipped.
  5. First time I've read Judah's name this season. It felt refreshing not having to read about snow advance in Verkhoyansk.
  6. I used to like it when vawxman, DT, or HM made a 10,000 word diatribe and some weenie would reply within 1 minute with "great post".
  7. Actually we all radiate heat very well. 99F body temp is warmer than almost every air temp we come in contact with so we lose a lot of heat.
  8. Then he’d complain about the occasional CW, CX, or CZ.
  9. High of 21° at the casa today. Some of those northern Coos sites are going to pull off a high of 9°.
  10. I prefer natural selection to do it...survival of the fittest. Not hunting down the biggest, strongest one you can find. That's just me though and I accept people hunting even though I'm not a fan of it.
  11. HFD is 30-31...BDL 31-32. idk if I'd worry too much over that. It's when you see the consistent 2-3F higher in different setups across the board.
  12. Yeah true...probably more black mulch around the ASOS for easy maintenance purposes.
  13. BED actually looks decent today. Maybe the good mixing is helping whatever issue they have. I wish the climo sites had a 2nd or even 3rd temp sensor to be used for backup and error triggering algorithms. Get more than a 1F or 1C different in the 2 and start chucking the $'s in the METARs.
  14. Wizzy analyzing 00z d8-10 means as the 12z euro is half rolled out.
  15. Probably really 33F because of rounding, but yeah...lol. BVY 30F and GHG 32F. Probably a legit 34F at OWD too with a half hour of +1C obs. So the usual suspects look overly warm.
  16. Hope they all survive without a wound.
  17. Get the right airmass in here and it’ll be frigid. The sun angle isn’t going to do a thing about it.
  18. 19° at noon. Even cold for January.
  19. MAV/MET both with 26F for CON today. The record is 30F in 1894. So that should get wiped out. 26F would be a record for coldest this early in the season.
  20. In this November of yore, we will lose more snow due to sublimation than melting.
  21. Actually they’re a molting mess right now. I feel for them in this cold with a lack of feathers. They don’t seem too mind a calm cold too much, but they hate the wind. Good thing this is a downslope...lol. 2nd straight extreme November cold shot. If we start seeing another meh December and January rainstorms everyone will start fearing record breaking Novie cold.
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