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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Maybe it’s in reference to the Alaskan pig?
  2. 3k still has some light icing. Any fzdz is enough to verify a WWA.
  3. Idk what heights rising into my bacon is, but it sounds warm and tasty.
  4. Hopefully we can keep it under a tenth up here.
  5. I think most in here are kidding around this morning about the overnight runs. There are a few on here that get the nervous nellies whenever the AK vortex peeks in in the extended, but most of us aren’t really swayed by a bad run or two in the d10+ in November. So let’s not get too Freudian this morning. It’s all in fun.
  6. And they’re off. Metfan is slow out of gate 4.
  7. 21° on the summit of MWN right now while the valleys are still in the low single digits. Once we mix out a little bit it should end up a pretty nice day in NNE...if we can hold the sun long enough.
  8. I'm curious what the KPS will have this morning. Either the EPS will get heaved further than a GTG brewski or there will be a lot of fear in the posts. The EPS could easily look more favorable at 12z so no one should start panicking yet. It's fun to play with the emotions of the easily manipulated though.
  9. Oh well. Hopefully the winter of 2020-21 turns out better. Time for dews I guess.
  10. You can see it on your cam now in the morning sun. Pretty cool.
  11. That’s way east too...just not as much as 12k.
  12. I remember reading this post earlier. Pretty freaky given the news a few hours later. I’m not sure if anyone checks OT or the banter thread, but nzucker passed away. just wanted to let everyone know in this thread since it’s the active one.
  13. https://weather.gladstonefamily.net/site/KBOS
  14. S NH pushing -10F dews. Another afternoon of 20s and wind with sun in mid Novie. Welcome to 1719.
  15. Glad we have Legro. He made CON great again.
  16. I can't wait for someone to make a new hockey stick graph for BOS in a few years.
  17. I like the "U" carved out between the two sites.
  18. Front just went through. Nice gust rattling the windows. Getting a SHSN now.
  19. I was just bustin your balls anyway. I commend you for finding an interest in it and studying it more. There’s not a lot of predictive skill with this stuff yet, but we wouldn’t be where we are today with science if we never tried.
  20. You’ve gotta give wizzy credit. A lot of guys like to throw those maps around and use big, impressive sounding scientific words to make it sound like they know what they’re talking about, but wiz doesn’t try to fool anybody.
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