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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I know they don't exactly calculate the normals this way, but here's the last 30 years of monthly means averaged out for BDL via the NWS NOWdata site. I used 1990-2019 for Jan-Jul and 1989-2018 for Aug-Dec. Just kind of an idea where we're headed for the 1991-2020 normals. 30yr Running 81-10 Normal Change Jan 27.2 26.1 +1.1 Feb 29.5 29.7 -0.2 Mar 37.7 37.8 -0.1 Apr 49.6 49.4 +0.2 May 60.0 59.5 +0.5 Jun 68.9 68.5 +0.4 Jul 74.3 73.6 +0.7 Aug 72.5 71.9 +0.6 Sep 64.8 63.8 +1.0 Oct 53.0 52.1 +0.9 Nov 42.3 42.4 -0.1 Dec 32.3 31.6 +1.7
  2. When is the last time you posted a blue one between Apr-Sep? 2008?
  3. My birds are loving this weather.
  4. July was awesome. It was hot overall, but other than for a couple of days it wasn't too bad up here. We just didn't have any cold fronts. Dews weren't too bad either at least up this way. Just lots of sun and tolerable warmth. I used the AC way more last July.
  5. Looks like we have an 837ft station in Tolland now...getting closer to 945ft. That has to be an older station that is just recently back to CWOP based on the ID number. Heck, I'm C7324 and went online with CWOP in 2007 so that ID precedes me.
  6. And then suddenly, not last summer
  7. I’m not even sure any of us are in disagreement. It’s more or less one’s perspective. Do you see COC amidst warmups or dews amidst the chill? Show me a week averaging 85/65ish and I’ll jump back on the deep summer train.
  8. I have no winter hobbies besides liking snow...except now I have to clean up a ton of it and pay for my own heating. And there’s so much I like to do in summer now. I’m sure if I hit the slopes or snowshoed or skated it’d be different. But winter just costs me money and aches now as a whole...lol. It’s just so damn long too. I have moments during the season when I’m into it, but after a cutter or 3 straight days of 10/-10 I start to check out. With that said, I can do without the dews too. 65-70° is about my tolerance.
  9. Really not worried about September calls with a week left in August...no offense to anyone here. It can be kind of a crapshoot...especially in transitional seasons. Obviously you go into it looking AN since almost every fall is lately, but deep summer looks done. A 2-3 day stretch of heat or moderate dews between cold fropas doesn’t scream deep summer to me. We’ll probably have 80s right into October. Deep summer is gone just like Hammer’s career.
  10. Kinda bummed right now staring all of these upcoming 40s in the face and low sun angles. Not gonna lie...I kinda wish we were going in the other direction. There’s a little black spot on the sun today.
  11. Flippy floppy euro. Watch it be cooler at 12z again.
  12. Deep yore on the Euro for Labor Day.
  13. Staying up here Sunday night? Looks a bit chilly on MOS. Lots of low 40s with upper 40s hills and around the lake.
  14. Back on your old phone or is that from a video game? Obviously glad no one was killed though. Lightning be scary.
  15. 72.6/49.4 so far on the day. If this is still summer weather it’s a summer day of yore.
  16. Used to be October, but just like mosquitoes he’s annoying right into Novie now.
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