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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. High was 68° yesterday. They’ve been stick at 50° for awhile with a breeze, but they should probably sneak some 40s in.
  2. Literally just woke up to the rooster crowing...ugh. 46°
  3. 52/45 with 6kt sustained. Not bad.
  4. Vacay home in 10 years. He’ll retire in 25 years to FL. He’ll be ADATT by then.
  5. WB Looks like the invasive Eastern ASOS Borer has gotten BML.
  6. Cool stuff here. 1P1 (Plymouth, NH) data by the minute with data history. Wish all METAR sites had this. https://vortex.plymouth.edu/sfc/ply/k1p1.html
  7. I mean there's been a gradient. Not denying it's been a lot warmer down in CT than it has been up here. But for central NH, we're basically looking at 2 months BN and one month solidly above. It all averages out to near normal or slightly above. Factor in comfy dews, lots of sun, and few rainy days and it's been pretty much perfect up here. 63F and dropping quickly now
  8. CON JJA Jun: 64.2F -0.7F Jul: 73.3F +3.3F Aug: 69.2F +0.1F (thru 8/25) Franklin Falls COOP Jun: 62.8F -1.5F Jul: 71.8F +2.7F Aug: 68.6F -0.2F (thru 8/22) Lakeport COOP Jun: 64.1F -1.7F Jul: 73.2F +2.1F Aug: 69.7F -0.5F (thru 8/25) Facts.
  9. Pretty sure it's the sun and consistent above normal highs in July. Other than 7/20-21 there was nothing overly extreme.
  10. 06/01 72.2 45.7 0.00 9 0.0 0 06/02 63.8 52.8 0.63 11 0.0 0 06/03 64.3 43.1 T 23 0.0 0 06/04 65.9 41.5 0.01 20 0.0 0 06/05 71.4 48.4 0.33 10 0.0 0 06/06 75.7 53.7 0.33 16 0.0 0 06/07 78.9 46.9 0.00 13 0.0 0 06/08 76.5 51.3 0.00 18 0.0 0 06/09 79.3 47.4 0.00 9 0.0 0 06/10 79.9 50.8 0.03 17 0.0 0 06/11 71.2 50.9 0.83 26 0.0 0 06/12 75.1 45.7 0.00 15 0.0 0 06/13 59.6 46.9 0.32 12 0.0 0 06/14 70.1 46.5 T 17 0.0 0 06/15 78.5 50.1 T 20 0.0 0 06/16 68.2 61.0 0.32 10 0.0 0 06/17 76.6 53.0 0.00 14 0.0 0 06/18 71.6 53.7 0.00 9 0.0 0 06/19 77.3 55.4 0.00 13 0.0 0 06/20 65.8 59.4 0.67 7 0.0 0 06/21 69.9 58.3 0.04 21 0.0 0 06/22 75.8 53.8 T 31 0.0 0 06/23 80.4 54.5 0.00 19 0.0 0 06/24 80.5 55.3 0.00 11 0.0 0 06/25 64.9 52.3 0.70 7 0.0 0 06/26 81.4 61.6 0.24 9 0.0 0 06/27 83.0 61.3 0.00 10 0.0 0 06/28 85.5 59.0 0.00 13 0.0 0 06/29 78.5 62.0 0.11 22 0.0 0 06/30 71.9 57.0 0.22 19 0.0 0 4.78 0.0 07/01 81.8 56.0 0.00 18 0.0 0 07/02 83.6 62.2 T 12 0.0 0 07/03 85.0 59.4 0.00 14 0.0 0 07/04 86.6 60.4 0.00 9 0.0 0 07/05 88.3 61.3 0.00 14 0.0 0 07/06 88.6 67.2 0.09 26 0.0 0 07/07 77.7 57.6 0.00 14 0.0 0 07/08 80.3 51.7 0.00 8 0.0 0 07/09 83.1 53.0 0.00 14 0.0 0 07/10 84.6 57.0 0.00 10 0.0 0 07/11 81.7 60.5 0.88 13 0.0 0 07/12 81.1 64.7 0.54 13 0.0 0 07/13 82.4 60.2 0.00 10 0.0 0 07/14 81.6 61.3 0.00 18 0.0 0 07/15 78.5 57.9 0.00 19 0.0 0 07/16 81.6 55.1 T 15 0.0 0 07/17 83.2 65.4 T 9 0.0 0 07/18 78.6 60.4 0.00 13 0.0 0 07/19 87.6 59.1 0.00 11 0.0 0 07/20 91.5 71.1 0.00 9 0.0 0 07/21 89.2 67.7 0.00 20 0.0 0 07/22 72.7 62.5 0.95 9 0.0 0 07/23 70.5 59.5 0.36 8 0.0 0 07/24 77.1 58.2 0.00 16 0.0 0 07/25 78.9 53.4 0.00 10 0.0 0 07/26 82.5 57.2 0.00 9 0.0 0 07/27 83.6 59.6 0.00 11 0.0 0 07/28 86.1 61.1 0.00 12 0.0 0 07/29 86.1 65.5 0.00 10 0.0 0 07/30 89.1 64.1 0.00 11 0.0 0 07/31 80.9 64.5 T 8 0.0 0 2.82 0.0 08/01 79.9 56.8 0.00 17 0.0 0 08/02 81.2 52.0 0.00 8 0.0 0 08/03 82.4 55.0 0.01 13 0.0 0 08/04 79.4 55.7 0.00 17 0.0 0 08/05 78.3 49.6 0.00 10 0.0 0 08/06 82.0 51.2 0.00 14 0.0 0 08/07 82.1 63.8 1.40 32 0.0 0 08/08 81.4 64.4 0.01 12 0.0 0 08/09 79.2 55.1 0.05 15 0.0 0 08/10 70.9 52.7 0.01 17 0.0 0 08/11 74.8 51.1 0.00 17 0.0 0 08/12 80.4 52.6 0.00 15 0.0 0 08/13 80.8 62.6 0.03 13 0.0 0 08/14 77.9 59.1 0.00 8 0.0 0 08/15 77.6 56.4 0.00 12 0.0 0 08/16 78.7 62.5 0.07 10 0.0 0 08/17 77.0 64.0 0.96 10 0.0 0 08/18 82.4 64.0 0.43 8 0.0 0 08/19 85.0 65.7 T 15 0.0 0 08/20 82.1 59.0 0.00 9 0.0 0 08/21 68.2 56.8 0.54 13 0.0 0 08/22 81.3 61.1 0.00 9 0.0 0 08/23 75.1 53.5 0.00 14 0.0 0 08/24 72.6 49.4 0.00 9 0.0 0 08/25 71.4 52.0 0.00 13 0.0 0 3.51 0.0
  11. Good idea to uninstall now so you’re not left chilled trying to do it in October.
  12. Oceanic air? Dews have been in the 30s in NNE.
  13. OK...I have me some backyard tree news and questions. Idk where to start. First of all, you all probably know how obsessed I’ve been with the american chestnut. Well when ID’ing trees I guess it pays to look up. I went back into the deeper woods near the edge of my property and found this ~30 footer back there. Needless to say I was excited. No sign of nuts though. Anyone have any idea if this looks like it’s close to flowering?
  14. MAV with 49° for ORH tonight. What a summer!
  15. Shows the gradient around S NH well. Near normal for Winni.
  16. Yup...pretty crazy the difference since the 1961-1990 period. A -3.2F January right now would basically be +0.1F back then. It’s hard to believe CON averaged under 37” precip annually when they can’t even get under 40” now.
  17. Trying this for CON too CON Temperatures 30yr Running 81-10 Normal Change 61-90 Normal/Change Jan 21.9 20.6 +1.3 18.6/+3.3 Feb 24.3 24.3 0.0 21.8/+2.5 Mar 33.0 33.1 -0.1 32.4/+0.6 Apr 45.2 45.1 +0.1 43.9/+1.3 May 56.2 55.8 +0.4 55.2/+1.0 Jun 65.3 64.9 +0.4 64.2/+1.1 Jul 70.6 70.0 +0.6 69.5/+1.1 Aug 69.1 68.5 +0.6 67.3/+1.8 Sep 61.0 60.0 +1.0 58.8/+2.2 Oct 49.0 48.2 +0.8 47.8/+1.2 Nov 38.2 38.3 -0.1 37.1/+1.1 Dec 27.4 26.8 +0.6 24.3/+3.1 CON Snowfall 30yr Running 81-10 Normal Change 61-90 Normal/Change Oct 0.8 T +0.8 0.1/+0.7 Nov 2.7 2.6 +0.1 3.8/-1.1 Dec 13.9 14.5 -0.6 13.4/+0.5 Jan 17.6 18.1 -0.5 18.1/-0.5 Feb 17.2 12.3 +4.9 14.6/+2.6 Mar 13.2 11.1 +2.1 11.1/+2.1 Apr 2.5 2.8 -0.3 2.3/+0.2 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1/-0.1 Season 67.9 61.4 +6.5 63.5/+4.4 CON Precipitation 30yr Running 81-10 Normal Change 61-90 Normal/Change Jan 2.83 2.70 +0.13 2.51/+0.32 Feb 2.75 2.62 +0.13 2.53/+0.22 Mar 3.24 3.27 -0.03 2.72/+0.52 Apr 3.40 3.41 -0.01 2.91/+0.49 May 3.57 3.66 -0.09 3.14/+0.43 Jun 3.77 3.69 +0.08 3.15/+0.62 Jul 3.61 3.74 -0.13 3.23/+0.38 Aug 3.76 3.18 +0.58 3.32/+0.44 Sep 3.78 3.38 +0.40 2.81/+0.97 Oct 4.44 4.04 +0.40 3.23/+1.21 Nov 3.40 3.72 -0.32 3.66/-0.26 Dec 3.51 3.20 +0.31 3.16/+0.35 Season 42.06 40.61 +1.45 36.37/+5.69
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