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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think I recall a Mar 99 retrograder that gave CAR rain and snowed for much of the rest of the region.
  2. Yup...tack on another neggy for today too. 72/45 so far.
  3. We don't pull many neg departures like this with COC this time of year. Usually it's with a wet ratter that ends up 64/53 or something. The string of 74/43 type days seem to be a bit more rare nowadays.
  4. Ditto. I had like half of my seasonal snow in Oct/Nov and then coasted through a warm, snowless DJF.
  5. A little update... Most of us on staff haven't had issues, but John just checked in and said he's had them and he hasn't been able to figure out the problem yet. "We're working on it"
  6. My only 30s here in August (since 06) was a 39F in 2007. Don't have time to look, but I wonder what your area did back then.
  7. Only 46.7F here on the hill. 39F for RAWS at the Bear Brook rad pit.
  8. Stunning betrayal by Scoot in just 24hrs. DIT didn't even know what him. Hammer hurt'im.
  9. In for the win today. 74F here and pushing 80F at LEB. CAA from the NE seems to favor the coastal counties a bit more relative to average. My old stomping ground in Auburn, NH was 42F this morning. We would rad like crazy near Massabesic Lake when we'd decouple after NE flow.
  10. Will be fun when DIT flips. Tag team partners becoming enemies
  11. It was a pretty awesome summer up here (after June) despite being in the greens. I'd rathr be near normal with tons of sun instead of the mank swampazz rains of last August despite the torch temps. July was just days and days of 80s and sun.
  12. On the flip side...I wonder how much of that orange shading north of the Pike would be yellow without the extra 1-2F anomalies at BDL, BOS, BED, etc. I haven't checked to see if ALB has been running warmer than normal too.
  13. Some like to feel special like they live in this extreme weather spot that everyone else should be jealous of. You'd think his COOP equipment was at 1000ft and the valley thermo in a below sea level bowl. http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/orders/IPS/IPS-228BF4B9-6130-4DFE-BA37-4C11781AF05F-wxc3.pdf
  14. Pretty sure he’s a Trumper based on some of his tweets. Sensitive snowflake.
  15. The bottom of the tree is a little rough looking. Do these look like the start of cankers?
  16. Probably 45F on his official COOP sensor. His raw COOP forms are always trip. He loves putting "temp in valley xF" whenever it's a torch day or a rad cooling night. Your shielded decade old sensor is probably more accurate than his unshielded max/min one.
  17. Alex had 34.7F https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KNHCARRO4
  18. I guess Ill have to catch it in the spring to see if it flowers. I was going to clear a few beeches around it, but it's doing pretty well on its own so I won't go messing with it until I start seeing some signs of cankers.
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