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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Euro is wintry into C NH for next week...pretty good damming despite the low cutting west.
  2. Weds night is interesting here on the gfs.
  3. Could be that too. 16yrs is a long time and those older sensors lose quite a bit of accuracy as you get near and below 0F.
  4. Yeah...he may have been just high enough to be a little mixed with the sharp drop off of the inversion below him. Or, of course, the lava lawn.
  5. -0.3° so far Pushing -30° again in Pittsburg.
  6. I don't care if it takes 5 hours to run. Improve the initialization.
  7. Pretty sure we mentioned the shift east?
  8. How high do we go next Wed on the GFS? Not a DSD, but there's quite a bit of dry midlevel air. If we can keep from being inverted and pop some late Feb sun maybe we pull a 60F inland?
  9. Really over this cold. I’m looking forward to this weekend and early next week and then hopefully some spring bombs.
  10. They can handle it down there outside of the coastal counties. They're kinda due.
  11. Nah he's just bad. I've known the elevations of all of these people for awhile. They'll report similar water equiv sometimes with 2" more in moderate events to totally skew against everyone else's ratios. There's not a lot of elevation difference around here anyway and I'm not in that much of a low spot for the town.
  12. It happens in almost every event. It’s not like the guy lives at 1500ft
  13. Wish GYX wouldn’t use that Northfield cocorahs.
  14. We had a long disco on them this past October when they broke the state monthly cold record.
  15. Northfield 5.7”...Tilton-Northfield 4.0” That Northfield guy is always high.
  16. Wunderground was always free if you upload data.
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