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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. How would that be possible if it started in Wuhan in December?
  2. I’ve had off and on what I’d describe as walking pneumonia like symptoms this winter and they’ve returned over the past couple days. I may go in. I’ll let you guys know if I have COVID19.
  3. All the kids in Italy for break from Kearsarge and Winnacunnet school districts have been told to stay home.
  4. It's all empirical, but it seems like the med/long range inverted troughs do tend to verify as a more tucked in closed low whereas the actual inverted troughs start to spring up in the short range. Will would recall better than me, but how many of our inverted troughs have been modeled out for 5-6 days?
  5. How many cutters have we had this year? I'm pretty sure I had an inch of rain under a week ago. You can still get snowstorms in progressive patterns. Just don't expect anything long duration. And sometimes you get breaks in the progressiveness that allows for something more substantial...just like how we get thaws and cutters even in epic seasons.
  6. I mean it was the end of freakin February. lol
  7. GFS is definitely digging way more versus previous runs. Still had a bit to go to match the EC...nevermind the Ukie.
  8. I thought about getting one. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/midea-the-window-air-conditioner-reinvented#/
  9. Metfan is just discovering LES.
  10. Warm ups and mild downs until further notice.
  11. Typical shallow rad cold for them. I've struggled to get below zero up here. I haven't had more than 2 straight days of sub 32F since before Christmas. That's pretty pathetic.
  12. We've had impressive cold shots?
  13. yeah idk...we'll see. Could be some typical New England taint as well if the ridge is too far west.
  14. Fraudertown Fauxville Highmocket Phonyski Faketon Shamus All-b-lyin
  15. Are you new to this lake effect stuff?
  16. I'll settle for a 2010 consolation prize.
  17. We did like 5 straight days of 80s right up into NNE mid month. You need the perfect pattern with no pack and mud season almost over to pull that off...impressive feat.
  18. Maybe we can clear out early and salvage a nice day with the initial CAA. Winter is going out like the 2019 Patriots.
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