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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. We get a 58° rainer with a raging LLJ. But we don’t pull 65-70 and sun in mid Jan.
  2. Won’t happen. They’ll be easily under 55° by midnight tomorrow.
  3. 59.5F...just a half degree more to avoid an MPM 60F.
  4. 56/44 FEW Surreal out there. It's rare for us to be this warm with full sun up here in Jan...especially with pack. 2007 was much warmer, but we were packless.
  5. Should be a lot of hairy arms out windows and John Mayer blasting today.
  6. Luckily for me it took 4 squalls to achieve that.
  7. Wow skies have opened up. SCT now. 100% going shorts today. We probably won’t have a weekend this nice until June.
  8. Just need a favorable NAO Nogueira Anger Oscillation
  9. Fake effect. I will say though that the super large dendritic LES snows tend to have higher vis for the same rates. Of course it's huge amounts of 30:1 fake fluff. idk about 28" in 4hrs there. Where did he get the 28"? Did they measure before every time they snowblowed? In a 4hr sample like that you shouldn't be clearing at all. So I have my doubts. 4hrs of 0.25" liquid at 30:1 would give you 7.5"/hr and 30". But again, by hour 4 the weight of that is compacting the earlier snow below it.
  10. Up to 48°. Guns out later.
  11. 34° I would like my torch...thanks.
  12. 31.5° Still inverted here. Most of the hilltops are low 40s.
  13. 31.6F Tickling up to freezing. Still about 10" OTG.
  14. My hunch is that's all they have. Otherwise I'm sure we'd see more levels in the soundings.
  15. I hear ya on 825 and 875 too. I just find I'm usually stressing over that 700-800 layer up here more than the 800-900 layer in winter events. I'm sure some further S and E may feel differently.
  16. Pretty much AWT. The only thing missing there that I'd like is H75. That's really sweet for free though. I hope their plan works and the donations keep rolling in.
  17. Most of the precip is outta there by the time you get near freezing.
  18. The pope's screen door slamming shut Sunday morning?
  19. Euro is backing off a bit on the backdoor cold push. Near 70F from LWM to PSM on Sunday. The door creeps into E-C NH, but doesn't make it to me. GFS was doorless here as well.
  20. Almost 40F here in CON. 28F at home.
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