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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 3k Nammy shows you what happens with deep layer NE flow. Some go up, some go down.
  2. You guys will get your rain and it'll probably be more than what I get.
  3. Spittin' rain up here despite seeing hints of blue aloft earlier this morning. Pretty thickly overcast now. 41.7F The last snowbank should be toast now. It was about a foot wide coating as of this morning.
  4. I like how winter rainers always feel the press, but whiffs south always trend NW. Science is amazing sometimes.
  5. Downslopey up here. A nice breezy mist coming off the Sandwich Range.
  6. Looks like the BKN/OVC has backed over the NH/ME border. Gotta hold it off as long as we can. At least the sun is moving E to W with it.
  7. Nice FZFG this morning. I was in the clear on my hill and then hit the fog around 450-600ft. Then at the very bottom of the valley I came back out of it to OVC skies. Dipped to 25F at the casa.
  8. Earliest one here was 3/31/98 unless you want to count the 65.0F mean for CON on 1/1/1876.
  9. Thankfully there's enough NE flow that we've advected in dry air today. It's pretty nice for the E 1/2 of NE...albeit chilly.
  10. Snow vaporized. http://www.newenglandwx.com/northfield-nh/2-backyard-cam-4hr-timelapse.htm
  11. Heat into May here on most springs. We usually pull some 40s for highs 5/1-5/10.
  12. The warmth was mostly via mins and sustained AN highs. There were a couple of nice days, but 2012 it was not.
  13. Lots of downslope warming from the NE flow? Then with no CAD southerly flow just overwhelms. Especially above 950’.
  14. Yup. And no one else wanted to post in the March thread like me so I posted with Freak.
  15. Looks like about 0.3" overnight. About an inch of liquid over the last few days. Time to dry out.
  16. 31° -SN It’s a little white out there.
  17. Probably time for an April thread. March has seemed to drag on forever. Looks like we just need to get through the ULL garbage this week and maybe we get some baby step improvements beyond this weekend. At least we seem to be done with the really cold nights.
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