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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Full body sanitizer? Maybe Will should do this after he grocery shops?
  2. My exit up here (19) has a pond with cattails between the highway and off ramp. Every spring the same (I presume) goose and gander return to mate and raise their young for a month or two. They returned a couple of days ago. Unfortunately the plows pushed quite a bit of trash along the edge of the pond and no one has been out yet to pick it up. The gander would probably chase them off at this point. He likes to angrily come up to cars that are forced to stop 5+ car lengths back at the stop sign. We had a male and female mallard duck chill in the yard the other day too. Apparently they think our yard is now a pond.
  3. It's weird. We melted the pack in mid March and actually dried out for a couple of days. I was hoping we ended mud season early. Now it's back with a vengeance.
  4. Could just use the April thread. It's doldrum season so it doesn't have to be just disco. We've been posting obs in there for days.
  5. 3k Nammy shows you what happens with deep layer NE flow. Some go up, some go down.
  6. You guys will get your rain and it'll probably be more than what I get.
  7. Spittin' rain up here despite seeing hints of blue aloft earlier this morning. Pretty thickly overcast now. 41.7F The last snowbank should be toast now. It was about a foot wide coating as of this morning.
  8. I like how winter rainers always feel the press, but whiffs south always trend NW. Science is amazing sometimes.
  9. Downslopey up here. A nice breezy mist coming off the Sandwich Range.
  10. Looks like the BKN/OVC has backed over the NH/ME border. Gotta hold it off as long as we can. At least the sun is moving E to W with it.
  11. Nice FZFG this morning. I was in the clear on my hill and then hit the fog around 450-600ft. Then at the very bottom of the valley I came back out of it to OVC skies. Dipped to 25F at the casa.
  12. Earliest one here was 3/31/98 unless you want to count the 65.0F mean for CON on 1/1/1876.
  13. Thankfully there's enough NE flow that we've advected in dry air today. It's pretty nice for the E 1/2 of NE...albeit chilly.
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