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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. You'll struggle to breathe when you see the CMA.
  2. It's still early when you have this mess to figure out.
  3. idk man...it still looks rather potent potentially. It's kinda dragging the southern stream though so there's a bit of a lag with getting a good full phase and tilting the trough back negative. We're still 3 days away from getting that first piece onshore the west coast.
  4. The media was biased cold and snowy back then though.
  5. Jan 15 gets wiped off the NWS F6 archive at the end of the month. Everyone should go make love to it one last time.
  6. idk if I'd call it true OES. There's a backdoor front dropping through Tuesday and some decent low level convergence setting up offshore down toward your area James. Ocean enhanced is probably more like it.
  7. Mixed reports on that. An LA reporter confirmed they were not on there.
  8. I will say it was nice to have the +RA to wash some of the salt off. I may hose off underneath since there's nothing wintry for awhile.
  9. Yeah...probably. I'm actually at peace with it. We're kind of escaping the worst of the possible cold (not totally out of the woods yet), so even if we pile on another 3-5ft of snow the rest of the way I'm down with it. The chooks are starting to feel that sun angle...lots of sun bathing today and they're starting to check out the boxes for the first time since Oct/Nov. The worst thing is when we get a ton of rain, I get water flowing into the run, and then we rapidly ice up and turn into AK for a few days. This weekend was an A+ way to get rain...drop it overnight and then follow it up with 40s and sun. Everything soaked in and it can dry out a bit before evening. But whatever the weather throws at us, we deal with it. It seems like there's always a challenge with them. It's like I fix 2 problems and a new one arises...but I guess we're getting there. Next on the agenda is growing some hops this year and putting the tines up on the west side of the run. They should be fertilized well adjacent to the run and they'll get lots of sun. Come lawn thread time I'll start asking the beer snobs for hops choices.
  10. I'd like to welcome our new member, 420kushlife. Sounds like an easy going guy.
  11. 44F and lots of sun. Feels like I live in Tolland this January. Lots of warm sectors and DSD days following systems.
  12. Just having fun with you man. There’s bias everywhere today. We in the middle laugh at the extremists.
  13. When it’s cold out east there’s a lot of hype over it...”polar vortex”, etc. I think there’s just a lot less hype in general with AK and the upper plains when it comes to the national media.
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