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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. GFS is still trying to deliver warning snows up here. Drunk.
  2. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  3. Not in line with the GFS though. Just a bit of a bump north from 18z. The dynamics are better on the backside though for NNE.
  4. Bump north on the 3k as well. 18z was exiting NNE after 18z Tue. Plenty of midlevel fun to go on the 00z.
  5. I don’t really want to remove 12ft of snow, but another dumbfounding 07-08 would be enjoyable. I actually am happy when everyone gets snow...even him. But it’s tough to have legit weather discussion when the correctional vector always points toward Robin Circle.
  6. The GFS will fumble that right up until go time. Just check the streamlines....northerly flow right to Long Island.
  7. 28.9F Tough to post in the other thread. Nice to see a little more juice to the north on the euro for Tuesday. Hopefully we can cover the blades down here.
  8. Not sure about that. The midlevel stuff up north gets cranking after 48hr.
  9. Just would like to keep the ground from being bare. I’ll take futility if we can just keep 3” during the cold spells. Other than that torch away. DIT can have the rest of the snow to make bile cones with after the holiday gtg.
  10. Maybe we can get some over the top warmth for the solstice. Maybe pull a New Year's 1876? Shorts in Times Square?
  11. Looks like you’re reaching the melting point. The cutters are taking their toll.
  12. Looks like most of the uncertainty is on the northern edge...no surprise there.
  13. Weenies strong No met can tell us we're wrong Searching the models so long Both of us knowing Snow is a battlefield
  14. It's funny how the highs always trend toward Tolland.
  15. I know the ICON and 3k NAM have their own as well. So I guess you can throw the herpes into that mix as well. weather.us has some rare Euro maps you won't find elsewhere. There's a significant weather map there which makes me think the euro does put something out for ptype...since the maps include t'storms and fog as well. I doubt the US vendors are getting ALL of the euro data. I mean weather.us has heat flux, moisture flux, ozone, etc.
  16. I think a lot of the mesos put out their own ptype or even snowfall/ratio. I'm a little out of the loop with the details of what models can do what over the least 5 or so year, but that was at least my understanding.
  17. Big bump north on the 12z ICON. Getting our northward bump now?
  18. Been down that road before on here. It's the running type planning to take over the world. It's in my chicken run and dies back every winter. I get a few new shoots every spring as long as the rhizomes stay mulched and insulated. It struggles in my zone otherwise.
  19. May randomly ban a few people if I don't get a few inches of snow to insulate my bamboo rhizomes before the neggies hit later this week.
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