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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Big dendritic growth on the cam. Probably some big non-wet aggregates as the feathery crystals cling together in their descent.
  2. Gene and Eek getting ripped now. Still good snow at home.
  3. Snowing hard at home. Still decent snow in CON below the beam despite meh returns.
  4. Looks like those heavier bands in E NY will move through here. Congrats N VT with the weenie fronto.
  5. Staying power. Get enough of it and it’ll at least look white. Then get a little inch of fluff on top and no one will know the difference. Like lipstick on a pig.
  6. We’ll be fine. It was never a big event anyway.
  7. It was weird seeing the euro so far south on its own for so long. In the back of my mind I kept thinking it would cave. But none of the other models really showed much consistency other than I guess the GFS. But even then it tickled south and cooler some in the last 36hrs. It was difficult to get a feel for which side would win. I guess Wizzy's tornado gave the downstream ridging one more pump poleward. But it's not like anyone down there is missing a blockbuster.
  8. A little weenie inverted happy ending for him.
  9. I said up to the NH border. That would be LWM. I'm safe up here. But you were talking about ratios in northern MA which is why I brought up the torchy layer between H7-H85. So probably a burst of snow, some pingers or -ZR, and then ending as snow?
  10. Kids should just have school permanently online where it's safe.
  11. Both. Of course the 3k failed in one of the previous events.
  12. Was just checking coolwx and there's a period of pingers up to the NH border toward 00z on the NAMs. Maybe it's overdone, but the DGZ gets pretty high above the best lift even toward the end. I probably wouldn't go with very high ratios.
  13. Well we have short range models that are split more north and south and we have medium range models split as well. So I guess we’re just wondering what exactly it is you’re thinking.
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