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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Final core was 2.2"/0.12" Event total 5.1"/0.35" 24.9F and snizzle now.
  2. Honesty there wasn’t. I wouldn’t even had asked you otherwise. I would’ve just posted the STEMs and trolled you with that.
  3. I may have to peruse that twitted thread later.
  4. Wow. Bad melting from you today. I was seriously just asking what you had because there was a split in town with the western side toward the CRV being 29-30°. sorry I stole your snow. Turn your heat on btw in case you lose power.
  5. What do you have on your Davis? 32F at both Tolland STEMs.
  6. Surprised it took this long for CT to go into the dark.
  7. Norway to WVL getting it good. Another heavy burst is about to go through here.
  8. I prefer the NOHRSC site. This is cool too. https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/snowfall_v2/
  9. Same snow data you can get here... NOHRSC
  10. Pretty good snow growth right now. Over the 3” mark. The bamboo is thankful.
  11. Looked similar in that exit 17 area to what's here. I'd guess CON was about an inch less, but that was an hour ago.
  12. Just got home and took a core. 2.9" new with 0.23" w.e. Still a steady -SN. Had some heavy bursts on the way home around Penacook.
  13. I just use this or the texas a&m weather interface site. http://uswx.com/uswx/text.php?q=03276&h=24&stn=KHvn
  14. The I groups are 1,3,6 hr accretion. The regular P and 6 groups are 1,3,6 hour pcpn.
  15. Pretty sure it’s just an algorithm off of the ZR sensor.
  16. Raw METARs. 0.16” last 6hrs METAR KHVN 171753Z 02007KT 4SM UP BR OVC011 01/M01 A2974 RMK AO2 RAB01E11 SLP069 P0003 60020 I6016 T00061006 10006 21006 56045
  17. Nice pulses of heavier snow in these shredded bands.
  18. Looks like at least 2” at home per the wife as of 30 mins ago. Nothing big, but that was at least the goal. Maybe we can tack on a couple more this evening.
  19. Lots of winter to go weenies. It's like worrying about a crappy summer on June 17th. We all know there's plenty of dews to go.
  20. You had some nice banding for awhile. The Sanbornton area looked really screwed for a couple hours there.
  21. Still big growth at home. That band has been quasistationary.
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