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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I thank your grandfather for his part in helping me have the freedoms I have today.
  2. All he had to say is that he would never kneel, but he respects the right of others to do it if they feel it's the best way to convey their message. My hunch is he had good intentions, but worded it damn poorly...and he obviously can't relate to what black people have gone through for the better part of 2 centuries in this country.
  3. It blows my mind that athletes even open their mouths on issues like this these days.
  4. Comfy start...borderline chilly for shorts, but it should warm up quickly. Min 52F. 80s over low dews will be nice.
  5. Only a tenth here. Better than nada.
  6. If we had a real drought your mutant grass would be cryin for its mama.
  7. At least my hundredth got a chance to soak in really good last night
  8. Drought over. 0.01” overnight.
  9. It was premature to make heat calls as well.
  10. Representative image of daytime severe season in New England:
  11. EC had 90+ in S NH/NE MA so idk about sneaky. GFS has not been as impressed with 2-3C cooler 850s.
  12. Nah....cold, dry fall and winter from COVID reduced GHGs and smoke from riot fires.
  13. 37° Almost as cold as yesterday morning. This sucks.
  14. Partial sun and 55.5F at 2pm on June 1st.
  15. https://www.scaledinstruments.com/shop/shop-by-product/anemometer/davis-6415-coming-soon-sonic-anemometer/
  16. I’d just like some rain. I need to plant some fruit trees and would like the sfc soil consistently wet.
  17. 35.5° here but a heavy frost on the vehicles and garage roof. Looks like we got lucky.
  18. LEW 29°. Congrats dryslot. Looks like 28/29° at BML and probably 29° at HIE. CON 33°. Estcourt Station wins the non ASOS award with 24°.
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