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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 12.6” from the Greenville NH cocorahs.
  2. 1.6”/0.16” in the final core. 6.3”/0.56” final. Pretty meh overall considering the QPF some models were throwing up here. I’m not complaining though...the less moisture the better. For just 6” though I’d rather had not even gotten any at all. Hopefully most of it can torch away today...it’s probably melting bottom-up in the yard already.
  3. Almost 6”. -SN Will be interesting to see if those goodies make it up here. My gut says it slides east.
  4. Forgot you’re in Ayer and not FIT.
  5. I love how that mix layer gets bitchslapped out of there around Maynard.
  6. Yeah that’s way up there from BOX.
  7. 5-6”. I’ve had enough. Hopefully it pounds to my south the rest of the way.
  8. MHT and ASH hit 39...FIT 38. It’s probably all legit...just really shallow warmth with the bare ground. Should get wetbulb squashed out of there quickly.
  9. Nah it’s legit warm. We had some thin spots in the ovc. Hit 36.3° at my place. 38° at CON.
  10. I think Steve meant 85F at the slopes in Maine with his post.
  11. Still VIRGA at the airport. Ceiling still 2800ft.
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