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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. BML up to 90F off of 49F. Pretty impressive for post green-up.
  2. 97. Just break the damn record.
  3. Almost as if the weather is trolling a certain someone.
  4. I have so many outside interests now between the birds, yard, and gardening that I almost wish it could be like this all of the time. I was just outside chillin’ by the coop watching the fireflies light up the backyard. June is pretty awesome in New England. I love deep winter, but just wish it wasn’t so long. I’d like 10 months of this and then 2 months of deep freeze.
  5. Down to 73/61 off of 87. Keep the dews a bit down and we’ll radiate quickly in the evening. Window fans will suffice.
  6. This post may drive DIT out of hiding with a violent agreeance.
  7. Wow. 68° at the official equipment on MWN. 4° away from the alltime record.
  8. Home of the world's worst weather.
  9. FVE 90F CAR with 91F and some low 60s dews. It's been a pretty bass ackwards spring.
  10. Looks like they got a puff of decent mixing to shoot up. Back to 86° now and calm.
  11. But he brought it to the MidAtl in 09-10 and left us high and dry. That’s when I really feared he had some kind of special power.
  12. Except for aviation dave. He had a gift. For awhile there I thought he was Ullr.
  13. Up to 70° off of 53°. We thankfully run wet here soilwise so there’s still some moisture in the topsoil. We’ll be putting that to the limit the next few days with dry, clear, and near 90°.
  14. Maybe even a cumulus congestus this weekend?
  15. BML is only a few 85F+ days away from reaching their annual averages.
  16. MWN 64/41 with about a 10mph wind all day. Pleasant day. Probably will end up 88° at BML and 87° at HIE. managed 82.2° here.
  17. That's pretty good. I remember an 88/35 at CON once in the mid 90s. I wanna say it was in May.
  18. I liked the 85/35 and 76/29.8 the day before at Estcourt.
  19. BML, CAR, PQI 84F. Warmest ASOS sites currently in New England. Gotta go down to FL to find that warmth.
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