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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. We had a quake in Tilton last night. The cords in my fan were swaying. I’d suggest you stop by Kettlehead, but Monday is the one day they’re closed.
  2. I’d be nervous if that was d2-3, but I suspect it’ll either trend back torchy or go full court press.
  3. My correctional vector continually points to 33° and rain.
  4. Better ridging out west too. Really helps that trailing s/w dive in behind it.
  5. I don't see a lot of change with the lead s/w, but there is definitely more phasing with the trailing one. Looks like it's trying to curl it back westward. The NAM does NAM things though. Gotta see some trends on the non arena league models.
  6. I'll sell this happening this month...
  7. I’d like to see the s/w associated with the storm slow down. Let that stronger piece dive in for some sort of phase earlier on rather than up in Nick land. Any little bit we can get that lead northern s/w outta here is a benefit too. The more spacing the better. A tick here and a tick there and maybe we can get a chain reaction of events to get some of those better results more westward. We’re running out of time though and our lead moose fart one will be passing north of us tomorrow night. So it’ll be tough to correct a lot of error in our benefit with that one. Of course it could go the other way too.
  8. Pretty sure that map is taking 00z anomalies and not daily departures off of high temps. He should've posted the 6z anomalies though because the actual temps are even warmer than 00z with the WAA ahead of the cold fropa. Our typical 60F midnight torch.
  9. Too many men on the field. That northern s/w keeps slowing down a hair every set of model runs and limits the ability for the storm to amplify. Eventually the bigger dog drops in and everything goes nuclear toward the Maritimes. It'd be nice to be able to get some more downstream ridging out ahead of the system we're tracking. It's just a little too flat behind the moose fart.
  10. Good read on snow crystals. https://www.quantamagazine.org/toward-a-grand-unified-theory-of-snowflakes-20191219/
  11. 32° with a steady light snow. Picking up a bit. 0.36” of liquid on the day.
  12. Hey...welcome aboard. Are you one of the two Newbury CWOP observers?
  13. yeah a jetstreak overhead has nothing to do with continental fast flow 4 days from now.
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