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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think it’s overdone too, but other models still have the wedge cutting into the CAD zone in NH. Hopefully it gets overwhelmed by the WAA. I don’t need 30s and +RA while it’s speedos and coronas by the Mass border.
  2. I added my 6.9" to the cocorahs map. The map is a little weird as it should be rotated clockwise about 20-30 degrees. There had to have been a weenie sliver of 6-8" going back to those Windsor county VT obs. The 7.9" is Danbury. They had 7.9" with 0.35" liquid which was a similar ratio to my 6.9"/0.25". Pretty cool.
  3. If I'm 22F while Tippy is 62F I may just need to drive south for the weekend.
  4. I snowblowed 3-4” from the driveway twice. If it was fake it was a fake pain in the ass. lol
  5. lol. I’m watching cocorahs obs come in on the east side of town of 2-3”. wtf. I’m in CON now and there’s almost nothing down here. It almost doesn’t seem believable, but I’m strict when it comes to measuring and I’ve been doing it 25 years. Maybe Lisa can get some daylight pics. I will say there didn’t seem to be as much out by Market Basket...maybe 3-4”? And when we left it wasn’t snowing there. As we headed west toward downtown Northfield it was a whiteout again. So there were a lot of mesoscale things going on. Pretty wild to get wide ranges over short distances in this area.
  6. 6.9"/0.25" here. Fun night.
  7. We're pretty far from GYX so the beam overshoots us quite a bit in these lower level precip events. You get drift below the beam too...especially with snowfall.
  8. That looks like the streamer that dropped south from here.
  9. I had 4 different periods of snow. The first 2 were with the squall warning. I had the first 2" in about 30 mins while in the covered run with the chickens cleaning up their daily mess. Then the next one came in which is the vid I posted. That was about a half inch, but halfway through the winds picked up to probably 30-35mph (24mph on the sheltered Davis). Then I snowblowed the driveway to go to the store and then came in to shower. That's when that streamer came through. That was another 2.5" in probably 30-40 minutes. We were running out of time so I just put the truck in 4wd and we left for the store. There was snow covered roads from my house all of the way to Market Basket in Tilton. I can't recall ever driving like 3" on the strip in Tilton. Then we hit another squall on the way home that dropped the additional ~2" I presume. Crazy night. It felt like one of those deformation bands.
  10. Yeah...it's going to be tough to melt it all now. If we got 12-18 hours of near 60F dews it'd probably be close, but it'll probably fail and end up low 40s. I only managed a few hours of sleep last night so I was hoping for an early one...instead I'll be snowblowing after this 10pm dinner.
  11. This is the closest to LES or upslope I’ll ever get. Fun night. I almost hate to torch it all away now.
  12. That’s 6.9” with 0.25” water equiv. jspin special. Half will sublimate or settle by morning. Pack varies from 14-15”.
  13. Winding down now...almost 7”...6.9” to be exact.
  14. It won’t stop....gah. What a bear of a drive to market basket. Bad accident in Tilton where 132 meets main st. I had to go home in a raging blizzard, up, my hill, and then down. White knuckle drive.
  15. Wow....2.5” new from this streamer. 5.0” total and still snowing moderately
  16. Pretty rare for the snow to be heavy enough that it reflects the IR light back to my cam like a ball of light. Usually that only happens with dense fog.
  17. This was part 2 before the wind ramped up...not as impressive as 1 intensity and growth wise, but it was still pounding.
  18. Probably 40-45 mins of the heavies. Probably some drift under the beam like you said too...idk It’s blowing everywhere, but the sample off the board is 2.5” and I had 0.10” of liquid in it. That first 2” was weird...like mashed potato fluff.
  19. 2” from first wave. I overestimated 2-3” since there was already some in my path. The board had 2”. This squall will push 3” but the wind is roaring now.
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