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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. idk...you can make a case there’s a weak wave tuesday, one on wednesday that pushes the BZ south of us, then the wintry one thursday/friday.
  2. They saw this thread repinned.
  3. Yeah, torching cutters seem to become more rare as we get deeper into winter. Most of the record high mins at CON for Feb are U30s or L40s. The first half of Jan has some U40s and 50s as we're still dealing with the seasonal lag from the warm season.
  4. Not many have a base to start with this Feb though.
  5. I mean look at the other top 4 years there....all the same for each site...1913, 1932, 1933, and 1937. Then 2020 comes in at #3 for BOS, #8 for PVD, and #10 for BDL and ORH. Something is definitely wrong.
  6. Heavily rimed weenie flakes. Light coating and 30°.
  7. A storm thread already? Significant icing at 168hr?
  8. Pinning it now to kill it for good.
  9. That’s shitty. If SNE isn’t involved, my events don’t get pinned. It’s freakin snow showers.
  10. Should I repin it to rekill the threat?
  11. Up to 37F. It's been like a chilly DC winter up here.
  12. Where's the inch you promised me on Monday with the ULL?
  13. It’ll be funny if we end up with a “cooler” decade and 75% of the years end up BN. The hype will be global cooling.
  14. That's not the storm though...just a weak inv trough ahead of the approaching northern vort.
  15. Like Scoot said it’s with the northern s/w...just some PVA forcing.
  16. I wish we could go back to the models from 15-20 years ago so weenies could see how lucky they have it now.
  17. Strong rad night so idk about sneaky...at least for him. -10° at 1st Lake and Lake Francis. Only down to 11.9° here. Should be a nice warm day with 26° atop Gunstock.
  18. Idk. 00z had qpf but the ptype on pivotal was rain. Not sure what they would have had for 6z.
  19. The reverse psychology hasn't been working. If it was me, I'd go back to weenieing the cold press over the next couple weeks. A little more confluence up there or a slight shift in the heights could get the gradient more south.
  20. The Euro never went west. Probably time to unpin this failure.
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