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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. https://meteor.geol.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/cobb/cobb_help.pdf https://ams.confex.com/ams/WAFNWP34BC/techprogram/paper_94815.htm
  2. A bit of a MOS battle in spots tomorrow. I haven't followed the EC a lot so I'm curious how it fares... ICAO NAM/GFS/ECM CON 35/39/43 BDL 44/48/52 ORH 43/45/48 BED 42/45/50
  3. Consistent strong BN heights just N of us throughout that period. With the -PNA it’s lots of cutters and SWFEs. The devil is in the deets. Of course the trend lately has been for the cutters to overwhelm us with the warm sector, but it could go the other way this time too if we can get some good highs and confluence in QB. We’ll see. Warm colors over us at H5 don’t always mean skipping through the tulips.
  4. I’m gen X but on the cusp for being a millennial though.
  5. First there was modelology. Now we have postology.
  6. In 20 years I'll be getting a name change request from ineedsnow to ineedvitaminD
  7. 42 this year. And yeah, I’m too old for cold now too. It better be record breaking if it’s going to get below zero.
  8. Another shift south like that and it starts getting close here.
  9. Meh luck in a meh pattern. Like Scoot has said, we're cutter prone. We're just not getting away with it right now.
  10. and another one gone and another one gone another one bites the dust
  11. Most of Hartford county is up to 43-45. 41° here with vrb cloudiness. Nice day.
  12. Negative confirmation bias. Everyone remembers the many ways a storm can fail, but we easily forget the ones that trend in our favor.
  13. Pretty good low level NE flow with a lot of QPF, but I don't like how that high got so easily tossed to the curb.
  14. lol. The euro has like 5” up here and then wedges for awhile. It never truly warm sectors up here before the cold fropa. That would be a net gain verbatim. I wish it was no snow at all at this point.
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