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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I don’t think the people in Houston on my 600lb life even keep their ACs on 60°.
  2. First glimpse of sun of the day. Pretty much a ratter. 62.8°
  3. 1st Lake, Diamond Pond, and Lake Francis are all the warmest in NH right now with 70F.
  4. We will happily conserve our TP.
  5. Wed/Thu should be pretty damn hot up here. S-SW flow is a downsloper for S/C NH. Of course that should keep the dews in check for us as well. So probably warmer at CON/MHT than BDL, but less humid.
  6. 68.3 Nice halo around the sun earlier
  7. Nice. I did the whole yard last fall with a backpack. Fun stuff.
  8. We wait. They came out of the fridge about 10 days ago.
  9. Yup. Keep locking these days in. 11th top 10 day of the year.
  10. 36° A little too close to freezing for my plants’ liking.
  11. No cold front indicated there
  12. There’s tulip poplars in VT and MA. I got one from Go Native trees a few years ago and it’s doing well in the back yard. It just needs a stake to straighten it out a bit. I’ll get a pic of it later. If you want to try something from scratch you can try getting seeds from Sheffield seeds and germinating them yourself. I’ve direct seeded some tree seeds from them. I just find it superior to pot growing and then transplanting. I’m trying air pots right now to see if the fibrous root pruning claims are as good as they say they are. edit... there it is. It should be pretty easy to straighten out.
  13. It was funny. We had a wind shift from NE to ESE a couple hours ago and we’ve been tickling down with the temp ever since. 66° and crystal clear blue skies and a nice breeze.
  14. The sun is strong this time of year. A cold front is really a density front with an airmass of higher density advecting in. Clear it out behind the front and it can actually end up warmer than ahead of it. That happens all of the time up here in CAD land. It's the same thing as a dry line. I know you know all of this...just "saying" it in general aloud. We should really confuse the public and call it a high rho front.
  15. Do you run the cranky account?
  16. Not a cold front. Although 75F and sunny here.
  17. How is it not a cold front? Call it a dry line or whatever. It's still a change of airmass.
  18. Yeah that was a post from me. They the need FDA/govt okay before they can release them since they are technically GMO...even if it’s only 1 gene altered out of 40k. Rumor is they’re hoping for the green light next spring. I’m on the waiting list to get one. They recommend that you have one growing on your property so that it can pollinate the transgenic tree when it starts producing flowers. That gives the nuts genetic diversity and only half of the nuts will carry the blight resistant gene. Go Native Trees has some for sale right now. Gene and I have gotten chestnut trees from them before. I direct seeded some last year as well and I think those will perform better. https://www.gonativetrees.com/american-chestnut/
  19. Uploading the image directly since it’s pretty cool. It may bring down the image server though. lol
  20. Man what a day. Gorgeous out.
  21. Yeah Mon looks meh right now on multiple guidance. Worse up here with -SHRA chances.
  22. Dew down to 27° at PSM. lol
  23. Low of 51°. Not much for dews here.
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