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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nice. This was basically an upslope event for you. Models had all of the western slopes favored.
  2. Yeah...cold. But toss that Ukie nonsense. I will say radiating temps should overperform the 2m progs. So maybe we sneak in a -20F around CON if things go right.
  3. Start low. You can always go lower.
  4. Yeah. We get some atypical max zones on these low level S-SW flow events. I’m surprised I got over an inch with the downslope off the Monads.
  5. Yeah I see that now. I missed the context doing 5 things at once. lol
  6. That was a storm melt. Not a pattern one.
  7. Yeah. I understand many are frustrated. The posts in here don’t really bother me. It just gives me a laugh each morning. Ironically we’re approaching the deepest of our winter so far with the cold, pack, and frequency of snow events.
  8. Nice passive aggressive shot at me. No one was getting snow then. I’d rather have sun now too, but it is what it is.
  9. 12z GFS looks a bit mixy here at the end of the event like the euro. I’m not sure it’s warning criteria but a solid advisory is looking likely. Quarters and dimes.
  10. I’ll be sure to wreck the pattern thread when SNE is scoring big and we’re getting cirrus.
  11. Probably should've looked at the euro before posting it. Looks like it backed off a bit although the GFS and Ukie are still brutal. lol
  12. Euro is pushing 6” here for late week ahead of the cold shot. Deep winter.
  13. 1.0”/0.05” total when I left at 640am. 29.8° -SN
  14. This weekend is starting to remind me of a few years back. A brutally cold Valentine’s day amid a sea of warmth. GFS is pushing -20F here at 2m.
  15. We went the first year when it was at Loon. Took a random cold weekday night and drove up. We were one of the few even there.
  16. Next weekend will be fun if we get into the -10s.
  17. You may need a CeHa visit to get some semblance of winter satiation.
  18. We were lucky we were at LSC in the late 90s and not the 80s.
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