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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. No rain since 5/15 here and they were eating holes through me last night.
  2. Hottest day of the warm season today for NNE?
  3. 59° Had to turn the window fans off.
  4. NNE going over the top on SNE
  5. I feel for those who don't tolerate the heat and humidity well and require an AC to sleep at night. Those people should probably get out in it more to get accustomed to it.
  6. 62F at MWN and 91F at BML. Under normal circumstances that's usually good for 98F at BDL.
  7. Correct. BML and LEB put up 33C so it's at least 91F there. Warmest I see so far is the FSO AWOS with 92F.
  8. Hope you're enjoying the torch and not hiding inside in 60F AC staring d6 progs.
  9. 5min obs MVL hit 32C so 89/90 there
  10. That 91F at BML ties their warmest May temperature since METAR/ASOS took over in 1996.
  11. Yeah I figured. Yuma was a joke.
  12. Looks fairly arid around there. A lot of dirt in the vicinity of the ASOS.
  13. Where do you think KNYC is?
  14. Well I actually do agree that dews can be higher in more vegetative areas and where surface moisture is more readily retained. I said that in my first post. But I don't think it's a 5F+ difference like we see sometimes with some home stations vs ASOS. If Davis ever develops compatibility to the Sensirion I2C sensors we can start using the SHT35 and SHT85 sensors in our stations which are highly accurate across the entire temperature range.
  15. So toss the BDL temp then?
  16. There's much better mixing at airports and most sites I've seen look fairly arid with not a lot of evapotranspiration nearby. Most of these home sites have sprinklers, pools, trees, shrubs, lush LESCO filled grass, etc. There's also better accuracy with ASOS although some of the newer Davis thermohygrometers have much better RH accuracy than previous versions.
  17. The low clouds are slowly eroding away. Valleys ftl.
  18. Almost totally clear at home, but totally overcast in CON.
  19. Aloft doesn’t translate to the surface anymore? Wha?
  20. My cats and chickens were petrified and hiding.
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