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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yeah I’m resigned to my wedged fate. CON may flirt with not warm sectoring either although an hour or two of 50+ is more likely.
  2. 31.9° -RA No real accretion although the coop stairs were a little slick
  3. I think your shot is in that 21-00z window. So near sunset until about 7-8pm.
  4. 31.9° with R/ZR I don’t think it’s glazing that much though.
  5. I’m not expecting to lose much so I’m clearing the whole driveway this evening. A few hours of warm sectoring may clear up the driveway if I do that.
  6. Hopefully the pattern changes soon because all of these snow events are killing my back.
  7. Deep winter. Pack is into the double digits.
  8. Similar here. 31.6° 1.9” Got over 1” in the half hour we were out getting coffee and some groceries.
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