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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like some cold rain coming...hopefully we can limit the QPF.
  2. Plenty of snow and moisture up here. It’ll be fun sending backdoors your way through June.
  3. Congrats tomorrow too Station Lat Lon Elev(m) Willimantic_(AS CT US 41.73 -72.18 76 ------------------------------------------------------------------ KIJD ECM MOS GUIDANCE 2/23/2020 1200 UTC DT /FEB 23/FEB 24 /FEB 25 /FEB 26 HR 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 06 12 N/X 24 60 35 55 38 TMP 52 53 43 35 30 27 27 45 57 58 49 43 40 39 39 47 53 53 48 42 40 DPT 18 18 21 23 21 19 20 26 28 29 34 35 34 33 33 35 36 36 38 37 35 CLD CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL BK OV OV OV OV OV OV OV OV OV OV OV WDR 24 22 21 19 00 00 00 20 22 21 19 00 00 00 00 00 07 06 05 05 04 WSP 07 06 04 01 00 00 00 02 06 05 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 03 02 04 07 P06 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 43 65 66 P12 0 1 1 44 82
  4. MetHerb just cut down all of his sugar maples.
  5. Gunstock held near 30F all night. Gotta get those wetbulbs above freezing to really do some dirty work on the pack. 20F dews isn't going to do a lot outside of the sun exposed areas.
  6. After seeing those prices I think I can clear a few inches myself.
  7. Already up above freezing...the sun feels great. Should make a push toward 45F here...50ish around CON/MHT. Maybe we even tickle 50F tomorrow at KOCK before we get some dirty southerly flow.
  8. Yeah no way. Just some weenie drifts in the valleys.
  9. I’ve had a chippy coming in and out of my garage all winter.
  10. Good snowman snow today after 40° works on it.
  11. You're racking up the big subzero mornings this month. Already up to 29F here and rising fast after a min of 3.8F. The next 3 days look great with mucho sun. The syrup should be flowing.
  12. Nice inversion this morning. Mid 20s at Gunstock and around 4° here. This should mix out quickly this morning.
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