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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Holy earthquake last night. Sounded like thunder and the whole house shook.
  2. I've gone from 2/19 to 3/14 without measurable frozen. Pretty remarkable.
  3. Looks like the GFS op is the outlier on those charts. Neutral/positive NAO and more +AO. It's March and 55F at almost 10pm with little snow left. We'll be through mud season in a couple weeks at this rate.
  4. I'll take dry, cool NW flow in April if it's sun. It's better than warm colors at H5 with drizzle below.
  5. Just mixed out and up to 55F. The snow will be down to piles by morning.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aroostook_County,_Maine
  7. MHT 74 ASH 73 CON 71 EEN 71 Congrats everyone
  8. Sun now. First 60s of the season
  9. Friggin bust today. Damn clouds. 53°
  10. Only a little over 3k in China so far with a population of 1.4 billion.
  11. I read something the other day that the virus was found still alive in a vent in one of the Asian hospitals. So it can apparently survive being airborne for awhile as well.
  12. Everything I've read has been contrary to this. The flu has an R0 of 1.3 and COVID-19 has been between 2-3. So people are spreading it to twice as many people as they would the flu. The flu has no efforts taken to reduce the viral spread either.
  13. Despite what they say, I think proper masks do mitigate the risks. However, if droplets stick to the outside of your mask you need to wash your hands immediately and sanitize anything you touched between removal and hand washing.
  14. Enter restroom Wash hands Clear the bladder or bowel Wash hands No paper towels...must air dry Face the difficult decision of how to leave the restroom without touching the door handle
  15. It’s not going anywhere. You can’t live in a bunker until a vaccine is made. Get busy living or get busy dying.
  16. We did have it. We were all losing it on WWBB. lol
  17. Almost everyone I know has been coughing, sneezing, and wiping their nose for the past week or two. I'm still hacking up solid pieces of phlegm. I have yet to get a fever though.
  18. Wish we lived there in spring. Glad we don't live there in summer.
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