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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 77/70 Not bothering me too much yet.
  2. Yeah I like being on the NE corner of that heat dome. Keep the 594-600dm garbage in the OH valley and Mid Atl.
  3. Yeah that d9-10 euro knifing a plume of 24C in here is probably how a July 1911 played out. You had widespread 100-104° max temps with a few even higher including the NH record at Nashua of 106°. Get the right westerly flow with full sun and that 24C will do it...especially with more thermodynamic potential with relatively lower dews in the 60s. It’ll probably verify as a couple days of 20-21C though resulting in mid-upper 90s.
  4. GFS has some BD action next week to give some brief breaks from the humidity. We’ll see how it goes, but warm to hot and humid will be the theme regardless.
  5. Getting exotic near d10 again. Tossed. Will be hot at times, but it’s been tossing 100s around like Halloween candy lately.
  6. Maybe Wiz can get his derecho this year.
  7. heh. It seems like on a coarse global scale the model physics always want to torch us toward d10, but we all know how those nuances sneak into the flow as we close in and we get those sneaky BDs or late digging troughs that offer just a bit of relief. There’s a whole lotta land to our west and that ridge generally prefers to feed off of itself out there...and then the natural wavelengths tend to want to recede heights our way especially with cooler waters to our NE. Of course you can basically reverse that terminology for winter.
  8. Unless it's a cane. Then it will find a way to track just west of E CT.
  9. I’m growing dearh caps. My avg low in July is upper 50s. So there’s my avg dew.
  10. I want the rain. All set with a week of dews though.
  11. Davis still parties like it’s 1999.
  12. Kevin...what's your manufacturing code on the bottom of your station console. Mine is printed underneath the stand
  13. CONNECTICUT OBSERVATIONS for Mon Jul 06 at 06:00 PM EDT T TD RH WIND GUST ALSTG SLP VIS CLOUDS WX PR6 PR24 SC Station F F % deg kts kts in Hg mb mi 100ftCOV in in in ID BRIDGEPORT/SIKO 77 69 77 180 at 7 30.10 1019.4 10 75 BKN ...KBDR DANBURY MUNICIP 79 68 69 170 at 11 22 30.08 1018.3 10 75 BKN ...KDXR GROTON/NEW LOND 72 64 76 110 at 13 30.08 1018.5 10 43 FEW ...KGON HARTFORD/BRADLE 84 67 57 160 at 11 30.03 1016.9 10 65 BKN ...KBDL HARTFORD/BRAINA 81 68 65 180 at 12 30.04 1017.1 10 40 FEW ...KHFD MERIDEN-MERIDEN 77 65 66 160 at 9 30.07 1018.1 10 90 FEW ...KMMK NEW HAVEN/TWEED 76 69 79 160 at 13 30.09 1019.0 10 14 BKN ...KHVN OXFORD (AWOS) 75 69 82 160 at 13 18 30.10 1020.0 8 14 SCT ...KOXC WILLIMANTIC (AS 80 66 62 0 at 6 30.07 1018.0 10 42 OVC ...KIJD
  14. Nail in the drought coffin that run.
  15. OK boomer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR5Duxe1VyE
  16. Mist is light fog...not drizzle/precip.
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