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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 33.7F SN Starting to stick on the grass and mulch. Ugh.
  2. Over to moderate snow, but not sticking yet. 34.7F
  3. This is the best your lawn will look all warm season.
  4. That weathertap radar is an estimate based on temps. Gotta use CC. It should be snowing at GYX now.
  5. High CC crashing toward the coastal counties.
  6. Enjoying my developing rain CCB. Can’t friggin buy this at any point during the winter. lol
  7. 44/41F with varying intensity of rain. 0.36" through the tipper, but it's been reading a little higher than my Stratus as of late.
  8. If you start as rain or accumulate slush early...maybe. But the rates will be impressive so anyone on the cold side of 32° will probably do better. Even at 32.5° it’ll pound. Waiting until sunrise to measure will hurt some too. Should be fun up there, but I’m glad it’s you and not me. lol
  9. Will take until June for that here. lol
  10. I guess the positive out of this is when we flip back warm we can install.
  11. Maybe. Sometimes these cold shots moderate with time...especially this time of year. If the cold dumps more west and then advects in from the WSW we may see quite a bit of moderation. Especially with some early green-up to our southwest. Any bit of evapotranspiration we can get will help put some moisture into the airmass. The euro seems to like to overdo everything in the 8-10d too.
  12. The cold is probably overdone, but we’re not prancing through the petunias anytime soon.
  13. That ptype near the transition seems a little overly aggressive given BL temps, but the dynamics may be good enough over W ME to help the sfc quickly drop to 32-33F. I'm still not expecting more than a coating here. It may just end up being RASN or a brief flip to end it.
  14. Does anyone know when I should expect elm (specifically slippery/red elm) to drop seeds in the spring? I know they're fairly early, but I'm not sure how that applies to my climo.
  15. Lawn is finally greening up. It was pretty brown after snowcover from mid Dec through mid Mar.
  16. RA to SN for you so you can slash those 10:1 amounts in the “blue” and “gray” ranges.
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