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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think this verifies fairly windy...we’re not trying to advect in a warm airmass over a Jan/Feb surface. Yeah, there will be rain and clouds, but those 925-950 winds are impressive down in SNE. Some 60s in a dewy warm sector will help the transport down. Yeah, I doubt the TAN ASOS gusts to 65-70mph, but the usual spots that maximize on S flow should approach those BOX numbers.
  2. We can toss the TAN anny in most cases anyway.
  3. Something here has been dropping a powdery white pollen for over a week. The only trees I see any activity from are the aspen and pussy willows, but I’m not sure where it’s coming from.
  4. Mid 50s dews before the fropa too. I may even open the windows.
  5. lol...you were meh’ing this pretty good the other day.
  6. There's pretty much unmitigated flow from the NE to Randolph all the way back from the lakes by Rangeley and the terrain all rises up around Randolph like a half bowl. They must get some really good upslope enhancement in nor'easters.
  7. Also, the Davis station website has a lot of NH mountain ski area stations on it. https://www.weatherlink.com/map/38c87168-bd77-47f9-b094-da48c89ebff6
  8. Yeah that Randolph cocorahs observer blows all of the other observers in the state away on there with total snowfall and depth. He/she is the 11" new on here. They leave some detailed comments as well if you want to go back and peek at certain days for various events over the years. https://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ViewDailyPrecipReport.aspx?DailyPrecipReportID=1e03cdc7-967d-4c6d-8d4e-dbcc41abb81a
  9. Lots of black ice up here. Haven’t seen one salt truck. Maybe they aren’t essential. lol
  10. 0.30" w.e. of snow in the gauge at IWI in the past hour.
  11. The snow just almost completely shut off despite similar echoes overhead. I assume we're getting virga'd. 32.1F
  12. Pretty good temp drop here. From about 39F to a little over 32F in 1 hour as we flipped. 32.2F SN
  13. Generator hooked up to the TV for HGTV or the backyard light to watch the snow fall?
  14. A night without internet with the spouse. Lots of marriages on the line tonight.
  15. 32.5° -SN/SN 1/4” new. At least this little amount will melt quickly.
  16. You guys in ME have awhile to go because it is ripping way back here. At least it'll be under a 1/2" here.
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