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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller.
  2. I didn't know her exact lat/long so I just used plymouth. That's the closest I could come to a guinea pig.
  3. A gall is what I was thinking...hence the thin and hollow question.
  4. If I did western PA, Erie would be tempting. You have a straight shot south to visit Pit or could head NE for Buff or W for Cleveland. Right by the lake too.
  5. Looks like 3-4” in Phin’s area.
  6. Hardy pecan maybe? Doesn’t look round enough for English walnut. Is it thin and hollow?
  7. Not sure where that pic is from but it’s old. https://m.facebook.com/ReaperArchery/photos/a.304480399637146/3067345740017251/?type=3&source=54
  8. Coc k blocked. Don’t underestimate the flock forcefield.
  9. A little rain but pretty much missed it thx to Freak.
  10. Yeah GFS is meh on heat the rest of the work week...especially for ENE. Over the top shot of heat first into NNE on Saturday and then days and days of torch for all. Of course it's pushed back to d7+ again though.
  11. And yeah the GFS and EC aren't as cool...we'll see if they trend cooler at 12z or if the nam is just its usual synoptically challenged self.
  12. Euro/GFS at 925 and the 12z NAM loop of 850s. Notice the source region and the winds backing and advecting those cooler temps in from osumetstud.
  13. Tuesday. The ones with multiple leaflets are hickories. the others are persimmon and pin oak.
  14. How is that not a door? And I'd be surprised if the STEM doesn't have a day below the 80s.
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